33/13 Channel, its Gates & some tidbits about abstract circuitry
“The 13th gate is the gate of the Listener; the hearer of secrets. Very often 13s go deaf because they are constantly listening to other people, and at some point they can be overburdened with it all (the 13.4: Fatigue). The 33/13 is one of the most powerful memory channels, comparable only to the 44/26 and its potency of memory or capacity to remember. But the 13 begins the reflective process by taking in all the memory and then expresses it through the 33. Despite being in the throat the 33 is very private. The reflection has to take place outside of the experience, in the calm after the storm. Being another projected channel, it also needs to speak when it is asked. Imagine a 33/13 at a car accident. They are standing on the side of the street with other pedestrians when that car accident takes place. The police soon arrive. If they jump up and say: "I saw it. I saw exactly what happened. " it will not come out clearly, nor will they be able to deliver a clear witnessing. In fact, they may leave out the most important thing. If however, they are invited then they can reveal all from their memory.
The whole thing about understanding projected intelligence is that it is only intelligent when it is asked for, and suffers deeply when it tries to initiate its intelligence. When it does this, it can be so easily dismissed, and then you end up with intelligent people who lose respect for themselves. On this abstract side of the circuitry, the emotional system lends its flavor to every channel.
Everything about the emotional system is about time. It is the most time oriented of all circuitry. The business of being a witness takes time. Anyone who is living an abstract life has to recognize that in every day they need some time to reflect and digest what is going on around them. This is not something they should dictate, but a natural rhythm that will emerge out of their responses. Reflection is essential. When a logic person is practicing an instrument and they make a mistake, they will stop and correct it. working the mistake out. The abstract person playing in instrument keeps on playing. They have to work it out later, as a reflection.
You cannot separate any channel and its nature from anything else in the circuitry. You cannot separate any circuit from the totality. It is all there in genetic continuity. That 33/13 is present in every single aspect of what it is to be abstract. If you have
an abstract mind, you have to recognize that reflection is essential for you; that time is essential in order to be able to craft your story. We need somebody not only to tell us a story of the man that ate the mushroom and died, but somebody who describes in detail what that mushroom looks like. Nothing should be left out of the story, as the story is for the benefit of the collective. Then someone can put up a poster with a picture of the mushroom on it. so that the collective can be informed.
The abstract is always under pressure to jump. Therefore, every gate in the abstract process is under pressure to jump. But the Sensing circuit has no spleen, so it is not designed to be spontaneous.
One has to play clear attention to the timing mechanism of the abstract. One cannot just afford to jump. One has to be clear. For example, there is great pressure on the 13 to always reveal their secrets before it is time. Those with the 33 on the other hand, being so private, may never tell you anything that they need to tell you unless the correct invitation comes. To be an accomplished storyteller takes time. To be able to be clear about any experience takes time. The art of accomplishment takes time."
Thanks Yenal Işık