Cheryl Sprintall shared -
Ra on resistance:
"I've talked for years about the problem of resistance. One of the ways in which resistance builds up so powerfully is when one enters into things that aren't correct. Of course, the resistance just grows. It gets worse and worse and worse.
So the whole thing about any kind of cycle analysis is it must begin with: 'Please understand that these are the patterns that are going to be there. Now, you're not really going to know which those of those patterns are really for you until you get there and then you'll see. And they're either going to overwhelm you and then you're going to be able to say, gee, you really saw that thing coming. Or you're going to be able to integrate with it.'
I loved all the retros who wanted to go back and reconnect to nature, people who have a shaman trip, all this kind of stuff. And at the same time, they don't understand that the greatest living magic is our ability to operate in the environment and to operate perfectly within ourselves as ourselves as the only judge. We're the ones who decide. And that selection process, based on our inner Authority, allows us to be properly fed.
For me, it's almost like the neutrino ocean is a kind of umbilical. It's a feeding ocean. It's full of information. It is the consciousness field. And this tapping into the consciousness field - each of us are intended by our very nature and our design, by the imprinting we have, by our genetic determination to be ―'this or that' - we're here to be enriched by certain information, certain consciousness feeds.
Every single day as I go through the program, it's so obvious to me that most of the things that are there in the daily program have no impact on me. Then I notice the little things that do. And those things are really interesting, and I learn something.
But, the vast majority of it I just see in the world around me. I see it in the world around me because I've had a long, long, long ride of dumping my mind as my inner Authority. It's very easy for me to see that there is actually very little for me to tap into. But what is there for me to tap into is so important."
- Ra Uru Hu - Life Cycles Analysis Lecture