The Cross of Service and 18/58
“This is the Gate of Aliveness, The Joyous; the Right Angle Cross of Service. If there was ever a cross that could give you a pain in the neck, this is it. Whenever you see a cross that has a definition you know that this is a deeply dynamic theme. Obviously, everyone who has this cross has the definition. And this definition is the 18/58. We know what the 18/58 is. This is the cross of dissatisfaction. We can call it what we like. We can call it the cross of service, but it is only of service if you're born with it.
This is one of the most fascinating hexagrams there is not a single line here that you grow into. You're either born with it or not; no development; it‘s there. You look at the hexagrams; you‘ll see that it‘s very, very rare to see there's not a single blue introduction in the whole thing. So, there's something very unique about the 58th gate. The description of The Joyous is: Stimulation is the key to joy. Basta; nothing else.
You can see that this is the gate that seeks life. I think the 58th gate is beautiful; it‘s just unfortunate it‘s married to the 18. It‘s like these couples that you meet where you meet one and then one day you meet the other one and you go, oh my God, I like this one over here. How did you two get together? I look at the 58 and say are you crazy? How could you fall for that 18? It doesn‘t make sense. You‘re full of this joy and life and wonder and you have the 18 on the other side saying no, no, no, no. It‘s one of those relationships I simply do not understand. Look at that 1st line: Love of Life. The 18 is on the other side going, it‘s not enough. How can I love life when my father is such a jerk? How can I love life when I still have my mother telling me what to do? The 18 sort of jumps in there and it puts its thumb on this joyousness. And the 58 doesn't care because it‘s not aware. It keeps on pumping out the joy like a puppy. For me, the 58th gate is this wonderful puppy. It‘s full of love and joy and laughter and there is this mean bitch that keeps on beating it because it‘s shitting on the carpet. And the puppy doesn‘t care that it‘s shitting on the carpet. It enjoyed the shit. It was wonderful; it felt good. And then whack, whack and all of a sudden this little puppy goes, what did I do; the 58 puppy.
The Love of Life: The very stimulation of the world is the basis of an aesthetic appreciation, blah, blah, blah. However, in the blah, blah business this is the channel. So you can see what happens to the 58. It is a blessing that this thing is not conscious, not aware, because if it really was, it would be so depressed. And it isn‘t. It‘s this endless font of this energy, but you can't see this cross without seeing the 18 with it. You just can't.
So, love of life feeds the zealot. Life would be wonderful if all you idiots would just straighten up. That's what it becomes. Life would be full of joy it wasn‘t for all you stupid people. And it‘s true. If you meet one of these that‘s exactly what they‘re like. Judgment—this is the channel of Judgment. And only the collective has a right to judge, and it does. No matter how much the individual rails against collective judgment, it‘s there. The collective has a responsibility. We do not perfect our patterns without critical attack. We don't protect our patterns without challenge. We don't. The very Oedipus/Electra nature of the 18th gate has shown us that in most civilized societies, as we have progressed, the relationship between parent and child has changed. And it's changed through those challenges, generation after generation after generation.
But for me, when I look at the 58 by itself, I look at this gate and I think wow that is such an amazing energy. In the same way that the 41, because they‘re mirrors, the 41 says there are so many things we can do. And the 58 says yeah, and we‘ll like all of it. It‘s wonderful. I always want the 58 and the 41 to get together and create a new channel. The channel is every fantasy is joy in reality. It would be a great channel. But instead, they both go to jerks. The 41 ends up with a 30 hat says nanananananaa. And the 58 goes over to the 18 and the 18 says, what are you, a stupid puppy? It‘s not so easy.
It‘s like here in Ibiza, the locals. Not so much anymore, but in the past when you go into a Latin country, these southern countries and rural countries, you get to see the children are treated in a way that's really remarkable. They are exalted, loved, they are given as much as the relative economics will allow, but all of that is, by the time you get to a certain age you're going to have to work hard for the rest of your life. You're going to have to work so hard. And you see these kids by the time they're 18 or younger in the old days, you suddenly see them in the family business, they‘re behind the counter, they‘re making the coffee, they‘re doing the work. They‘re immediately into the burden and the relationship is different, instantly. You get your little time for joy. You can be a puppy and we‘ll pat you as a puppy, but just remember something; the time is coming when being a puppy doesn‘t work anymore.
So, when you're dealing with this cross you're dealing with people who love life and hate people for fucking it up. It really is what it is. They love life, and they see that life is ruined because people are incompetent or stupid or whatever the case may be. And they want to fix it. It usually starts with: I could have a wonderful life if it wasn't for my parents. It always starts with the dysfunctional Penta, it starts with this, you come into the world and immediately you meet all of these forces that control you, impact you.
What you get to see out of this Cross of Service is an old joke in that to be of service for the other is rooted in being of service for oneself first. They want to be able to love life, but from the collective perspective, you can only love life if everybody loves life so you can share loving life. And of course, that's not the way of the world. So, these beings are very judgmental and they try to bring an essential service. That service is to awaken humanity to the potential of loving life if they get the pattern right. And there you get to the part of the collective that makes individual shiver, because the collective says the love of life works this way. And you're going to do everything we tell you to do. You‘re going to work the way we tell you to do. You‘re going to live the way we tell you to do. You‘re going to behave the way we tell you to do. You‘re going to do all of these things and if you follow the pattern that we give you, you will end up being satisfied and you will love life. It doesn‘t always work that way, obviously.
The 58 that is a 1/3 gets to see that the only joy it's going to get out of life is correcting other people. Think about that. The smile on a 18/58s face when they're describing how stupid you are—it doesn't even have to be a smile, because the smile is always there. They love telling you. They love it. They walk into your really clean house and they see that one place where there is dust and they just love to tell you. You want to strangle them because you know that they're enjoying it.”
Ra Uru Hu
Thanks Emiro Parra