Because of transits.
“Because of transits, I’m being conditioned now to be an emotional authority. I am not. That is not my authority. Yet, right now I have emotional definition.
Now that is a very powerful force. So it’s not just a matter of saying, “My father did this and my mother did that.” It’s about recognizing that the moment you know the authority within yourself, you cannot allow yourself to be seduced by the program.
The Gods test us every moment of every day. This is their job. They don’t like it, but they have no choice. So they test us all the time.
As long as you can remain true to your own authority, you learn so much by being tested. So it is not just a matter of the people in your life conditioning you; it’s about seeing that the conditioning program is there all the time. The planets are our teachers.
That is what they are there for. They teach us all the time. Every time they make connection to what you are not, they give you the opportunity to recognize what that is as long as you can stay within your own authority.
Then you can experiment with all of it; you can see all of it; you can recognize all of it; you can even work with it. You can be a generator that acts like a manifestor. You can be somebody like me who plays out an emotional wave, as long as your authority is where it belongs.
So you can see clearly what is going on. So that you get to experience the not-self without that being a conditioning force. So don’t forget about the ongoing conditioning in your life.”