The 59-6; Reproductive Creativity
Vanessa shared this Ra transcript- (This is an electromagnetic for John and me 🙃😋🤷🏻♀️)
Tribal creativity is what keeps us all going.
We've already seen that the creativity inherent in the 44- 26 is driving us to continue our improving business and keep us deeply connected to each other financially and materially and all the things that comes with it, the establishment of class and all of these things.
But when you get to the 59-6, the last of our seven creative channels, you get to a creativity that is inherently reproductive. It's the real thing. It's about as creative as you can possibly imagine. There is truly nothing more creative than that. It is the capacity to create life itself.
And of course the whole thing about the tribe is that it can never really claim to be the artist. Remember that. Tribal creativity is not about that. Only an individual like me will turn to their kids and say, "You got great genes from me." I tell that to Sarah all the time. "You got all these great genes from me."
The tribe does not operate in that way, in other words, it's not about—and the dilemma in the reproduction of children is the possessiveness that comes with it. "I created this being, it's mine, and I'm going to do what I like with it 'cause it's mine. I made it." Well, it's not like painting a picture.
The 59-6 is the most complex of all the creative channels because of its very structure. You're dealing with emotional generation. I made the comment yesterday about how many women will say, "Why did I have children with that man?" And it's one of the most common things that I meet is that kind of statement
There is nothing dumber than the 59-6. Nothing blinder, it's only creative as in terms of its results. It creates life, but that's a biological, physical game. And we're designed to do that. There isn't anybody who doesn't come into this world that has a capacity to be creative at this level. It's there for all of us. You don't need a degree to make love. You don't need to have all of that backing and you don't need to have all that talent and so forth and so on.
Sex is sex and it starts all on its own. It gets you going. The hormones pop up and there you go. So it's not like you can say, "Hey you know, I'm really creative"
First of all, the emotional system. Look at what you're dealing with when you're dealing with the Sacral and the emotional system. You're dealing with the two cores of our sexuality. The Sacral system releases the genetic code for sexual mating, in other words, sexual strategy. Each of those six lines of the 59 represent a different kind of strategy.
Beginning with the first line that's the caveman or the cavewoman, you go out there, whack 'em over the head, drag them home.
The second line is about shyness; you have to have the other come to you and break down your barrier.
The third line is kind of anarchistic; you get in and get our.
The fourth line is that you can only make love to them if they're a friend.
The fifth line is you've got to seduce them, or seduce them into seducing you.
And the sixth line is 'f*ck like hell and give up early'. And then sit on the fence and watch everybody else.
So we have these strategies that are inherent in the 59 gate in these six lines. These are the sexual strategies.
On the other side, you have the 6th gate and the emotional system and that's where the sexy part is. A sexual strategy is never sexy by itself. When you meet somebody and they have a defined Sacral and they don't have a defined emotional system, you're not going to find them sexy; they may be sexual. But they're not sexy. Sexy comes out of the emotional system. Sexy is where the pleasure wave is. And this is the wave that you get to pick up. But sexual is right there in the Sacral Center. 'Sexual' meaning that built into us is a genetic system that says we must reproduce, whether we do or we don't. It is a genetic imperative. If everybody stops having children, human beings are finished. So it's a fundamental imperative in us.
My whole thing about people entering into things correctly, I have a deep concern about children. I have had that most of my life. The fact of the matter is that our sexual bonding is so chaotic that the by-product is that children come into the world in which they are not properly loved or nourished. Can't be, because of the tensions that exist between the very people that brought them into the world, and those tensions exist because those people were not clear in entering into their relationship. Not clear. There is nothing dumber than reproductive sexuality.
Oh, it's beautiful creatively. I've watched my children come into the world. It's really incredible. I think that's one of the most beautiful things I've ever witnessed. It wasn't as if I was patting myself on the back and saying, "Boy, that's a good one, you did well this time." Just the creative experience to see life come into the world and to recognize that it is a part of us. Oh, that's very nice..
But the way the 59-6 operates is so dumb. That even though bringing life into the world is beautiful because it keeps the specie going, the sexual relationships derived out of the sexual bonding are disasters. And of course, there is nothing more distorting than that.
How many people in my generation have had broken families who have created broken families, who have left children, who end up with all kinds of complex family situations and structures, all of which is out of the nature of how they entered into the relationship in the first place. Nothing is more important for you as a human being to be able to enter correctly into a relationship with the other; nothing more important. Everything begins with the correctness of that entry.
That's my joke about love, that if you wake up in the morning, and you see somebody there, it must be love. This is geometry. And if you keep seeing that face every day, it must be love. That's geometry. And then one day, they are not there anymore. The love is over. This whole business about writing love songs, love poetry, all of this stuff, it's because the one thing that we've never, ever, ever been able to accept about the nature of love and sexuality is that the timeframes are limited, that the timings are limited, that we do not know why we enter into a relationship with somebody, and we do not know why we go out.
How many of you have had love affairs that suddenly just end? For no perceptible reason, other than you can make one up; geometries come to an end. It's like walking into a room and seeing somebody, and your eyes go bubble, bubble, geometry. It's just geometry. We're not in charge of how long we're with somebody.
What is essential for us is to recognize that we must enter into our bonds with others with clarity on the remote chance that somebody is going to get pregnant. Because if you've entered into it correctly, if you are clear to each other about your nature, the chances of being able to nurture that child are much, much, much greater. And of course, the natural benefit derived from that.