Sneaky Sticky Projector Bitterness & Emotional Inner Authority
If you're unfamiliar, Bitterness is the signpost for Projectors that they've gone off the rails somewhere with their Strategy and/or Authority.
The two sides of the coin are different for each type -
Projectors - Success/Bitterness
Generators - Satisfaction/Frustration
Manifestors - Peace/Anger
Reflectors - Surprise/Disappointment
I have a Reflector friend who says that last pair of keywords isn't quite on point, but it's what we've got for now.
The rest seem to hold true across lots of people.
I shared this post below in my Projectors in Business+ group and one of our members shared this (thank you Janice!):
"I once read something Richard Rudd said about Emo Authority (not his Gene Keys book - think it was something like ABCs of Human Design) - 'Pause before action no matter how small the decision'
As you said above -- Viva l'experiment 🙃"
Now the general "rule of thumb" is that our Personal Authority making mechanism (there are 7 possibilities) is only "for the big stuff" ...
But maybe not.
This story from my inbox this morning explains -
How often are we saying yes to things that we maybe shouldn't.
Noticing myself not waiting long enough before saying yes to a 2 min thing.
[Apparently, for at least with my emo authority, waiting is not just for the big things 😛 ]
Last night kinda late I got a DM from someone who I'd made a chart for before. They wanted another one for a friend.
I replied, mostly out of habit I think and because it was late.
"Sure, leave birth info here, can do that in the morning."
It was the wrong answer.
This morning, it turned out to be 'to do' list thing and one I had to make myself do, just to get it over with.
Now I'm all bitterness sticky 🙃
Definitely not worth it.
Was/is fascinating to be able to see the amount of wrong energy that's connected to this one favor - asked of someone who is inviting me yeah ...
But not through any sort of recognition other than "you gave me one before"
You gave me time and energy for free before - I'm back again with my hand out
Phew is that yucky feeling in my body.
After I'd fulfilled on my promise (crazy that incorrect undefined Will action can happen in one word)
I scrolled back to see what else we'd been doing.
I do so many of these that I don't remember the conversations one to the next - part of why I appreciate messenger conversations so much I think.
And sure enough - it started out okay back in November, "yes thank you for your offer to get my chart"
And then quickly deteriorated into "I have no resources but would be ever so appreciative if you'd keep giving me yours" flavored.
Today I prefaced the chart for a friend with -
"I'm noticing this is the last free thing from me to you, enjoy"
Sent the chart.
Archived the conversation.
And now I'm here, for whatever reason, cementing this noticing in.
I can literally still feel the bitterness in my body.
So interesting.
Seems the more we experiment, the more we fine tune our awareness.
I didn't wait.
So crazy.
Now I see.
Viva l'experiment 🙃
PS. I think I have the ABC piece by Rudd on my harddrive somewhere - if you'd like it, drop a comment.
We'll see what we can do :)