So I’m back from what was meant to be an afternoon trip to the river.
It lasted 3 days and boy were we whipped by the end. I suppose a 5 hour tubing/paddling trip would tend to do that 😆
One of John’s network peeps’ friends has a house on a property that fronts a slow moving (and in some spots no-moving) river called the Santa Fe.
It’s a recreational river with lots of homes, docks and some boat activity along certain sections of it and long stretches of nothing at all.
Filled up mostly with rednecks 🙃
Most everyone’s purpose seems to be to drink and smoke and eat and play (well, it was a Holiday weekend … but anytime these folks get together it’s a “holiday weekend” - even when it’s neither a holiday nor a weekend 🤭)
Which makes for a funny environment for me to be in. In lots of ways.
BUT more and more requests for me to be ‘amongst’em’ come so, I go and I watch and I relax while I wait. There’s some kind of weird recognition there 🤷🏻♀️
At the end of yesterday when we finally were headed home - the guy who either is or acts as a Manifestor said something like “she’s the one who keeps us organized”
Well, okay - so long as it’s not about me DOING what it takes to get organized (I’m quite fine with letting chaos ensue in the cooking zone for instance, and I no longer feel and compulsion to micro manage most things - used to!)
My input now amounts to a recipe something like … ‘waits for mild frustration from one of them and then nonchalantly say “why don’t you try xyz”.
If they hear me, frustration is usually over fairly quickly (over time I think this also builds up their hearing-Andrea capacity).
If they don’t hear me and it’s important enough, I might say their name first, pause till they’re listening and say “did you already try xyz?” … which is usually less fluid but does get them/the thing sorted sooner than later’
Yesterday on the river, towards the end of a 5 hour (?!) float, I took to doing a whole lot of rowing (on the two lashed together canoe raft they’d proudly built the day before 🥳 (to their credit, no one canoe-tipped over either day we were out)
I had to get out of my dinghy (I was tied to the very end of the caravan of tubes) towards the end of the float because again there was no organized or concerted effort happening and it was getting dark and people were starting to get cold 😜
So I swapped into the 4th rowing seat and said “okay time to get going” … and so they all began working together - at the same time (me as well) … was for maybe the last 20 minutes and boy howdy was that enough.
We packed our tent etc, had a bite to eat, poured ourselves into the car and headed home. By now it was John and me - the kids (Morgan, Aleda and Austin - a Gen and 2 MGs - Austin is the fiancé) had bailed the day before.
Zane stayed home, which I loved was correct for him because I also get the benefit of having a built in dog sitter 😍
Anyway there’s more than just this story to tell - sometime or not - about watching things transpire the last few days, but I think the point of this one is to confess (?) having gone a hair overboard - but surprisingly not all that much - with the canoe assist … at the end of an already too long float where I was already using my arms plenty.
By the time we got home, my shoulders were positively aflame with aches and pains (nothing 3 Advil didn’t help 🤭). And I was sure I’d be super sore this morning and spent.
But no - I’m tired but not exhausted tired; good tired. Rest for a few days tired .. but not sick in bed recovering tired.
Am reminded that it’s good to get away and do unexpected things now and again.
Really good.
I said something on the ride home about not finding anything wrong with the people who were there (such a 3rd line & Grinch - Gate 16.5 way to say that eh??).
Yeah, me not finding fault with the people John wants to hang around, always a good sign 🙃
Truth is, have always had a heart and appreciation for people just being themselves. Definitely could be considered true for this bunch of characters 🤭
John said “maybe you’ve found your people!”
To which I swiftly replied “ohhh noo
no no no … I wouldn’t go that far”
(part of his network remember, we practically have nothing in common - except these experiences I suppose) …
I said that adamant no so so quickly.
Then we both laughed 😆🤭
Got home after the 50min drive back, took the bare minimum out of the truck, made sure all the minions at home had what they needed, and collapsed into bed.
:) next couple days’ll be quiet methinks. 🙌🏼
What was your weekend like? 🤗