In the early days of our Human Design experiment …
This is something I wrote over on IG in November 2021 - but only just now found again because I also pushed it over to FB at the time and just a few minutes ago, someone clicked a ‘like’ on it.
That’s why you (and I) get to read it here today. Because I left it for someone else to find and remind me that it exists. 🤷🏻♀️😊
I kinda love how that works. 😍
Often, in the early days (and months and even years sometimes) of our Human Design experiments, hearing “follow your strategy and authority” can get old and tbh, can feel quite boring.
Or too simple.
The thing is - even ‘boring and too simple’ is a Mind thing.
The whole point is to have something to begin to witness our Mind being at the helm of what it has no business being involved in - correct decisions for our body to be able to live the life it’s here for.
The initial aim is to reduce resistance- to who you are and how you move in the world - as you! Ultimately the prize (I think) is to be able to cleanly deliver our Outer Authority, to make our contribution to the world - whatever that may be …
… without concern or having excesses of stories (notself ways of thinking - themes that come through our open centers first and foremost) running our show.
That’s our Mind making decisions where our body actually knows better.
We’ve just forgotten what’s possible thanks to conditioning that gets identified with - mistakenly - because of the vulnerability of the white areas in our charts - ALL of our life.
Strategy and Authority is the way through to something different than you’ve always had.
Now - important caveat - discovering what that looks like in your life is actually part of each person’s experiment. That too can be hijacked by our Mind - thinking it can learn something and have it be real.
But the truth is, it only becomes real with real life practice, actual noticing the mechanics of your Design IN your real life.
And your Mind will hate it.
It won’t want to surrender and retreat to the “passenger watching” position.
And THAT is the role of experimenting with our strategy for your Aura Type (psst there are only 4, not 5 as you may hear many claiming) and whatever your Personal Authority is (there are 7 different possibilities). THAT is what allows your Mind to take it’s rightful position - so you can make correct decisions-for you.
And it’s from correct decisions that our real life, can begin.
One that’s about #projectorsuccess #manifestorpeace #reflectorsurprise #generatorsatisfaction #nonsacralwisdom #thatnotselflife #doingbusinessasyou #humandesign
Canva quote by Laeticia Phan