The Mysterious (Personal) Authority of Mental Projectors
About a week ago, I had this (partial) DM with a Mental P, many years in her experiment.
She also invited me to have a zoom chat about the misconceptions about Mental Projector (personal) Authority, but unless there’s enough people here who want that, I find I’m not particularly energized in that direction.
I can wait for you to say if/when.
For now, this is at least a foundation to be able to point MPs and the people who are in relationship (of whatever kind) to. Feel free to use it 👍🏼
I’ve toyed off and on over the years with creating some sort of MP conversation space (that I could participate in) because I do bump into this Design enough to populate one.
But have not had a clear invitation beyond that (inkling that it could be valuable) so far so 🤷🏻♀️
Here’s the part of our DM that is pertinent today:
My MP friend wrote -
‘Oh, the myths and legends that we have heard, the versions of our Authority mechanics that we were told in the last 5 or so years... Went from comical to absurd and finally painful to watch...’
Here's the transcript of Ra’s words on the matter.
"There are other beings who do not have direct Inner Authority and those beings are known as Mental Projectors. That is Projectors that have either the Head to the Ajna defined or the Ajna to the Throat or the Head, Ajna, Throat as unit defined.
[ie. any combination of colored in centers from the throat up only]
These are Mental Projectors. And these Mental Projectors, they do not have any direct Inner Authority.
Now, the Mental Projector is not a Reflector. It is not about Mental Projectors, you know, following the Reflector process, in other words, being hooked into the cycle of the Moon. They are not Lunar beings at all.
They have a definition and that definition is deeply, deeply, powerful. In the sense that it is their inherent life force, but the definition is strictly mental.
And one of the things that we know about the mental dynamic is that to follow the authority of your mind, is to follow the road to the too deep homogenisation and to the chaos that homogenisation can bring you in this life.
The most important thing to understand about being a Mental Projector, is that what it is to be a Projector.
In the first place, it has to do with your aura. There is no aura like the Projector aura. This penetrating and focused, this aura that burrows right into the other. And the Projector at their very best is a Projector who is one-on-one with another.
It is when all of the potential of the Projector's gift to be recognized, to be recognized in the other, to be a guide, is when this gift emerges in their life.
Correctness for a Projector, obviously is all about invitation, and yet with a Mental Projector that moment of invitation, cannot be answered mentally. Not in the moment. Not at all. There is a technique, there is a mechanism that permits the Mental Projector to be able to make those decisions that are correct for it.
It's called the Sounding Board.
And this is the way that it works:
Somebody comes up to you as a Mental Projector and they invite you into a relationship, they offer you a job. They suggest that, you know, you go do something together, whatever the case may be, but as a Mental Projector, you cannot respond at that moment. You cannot.
And of course, the temptation is there. Because as a Mental Projector, you know, you have a totally open lower half. Open Spleen is under the deep temptation to act spontaneously. But you cannot because there is no clear inner Authority and the Inner Authority can only emerge when you begin to discuss what has been offered to you, what has been presented to you.
So somebody suggests, invites you to do a job with them, whatever it may be, a task with them. The fact is, before you can say yes or no to that, you need to discuss it. You need to discuss it with others.
Now again, understand something: you are not seeking advice, you were not looking for others to tell you what to do. Do not be confused by this. You need the other in order to hear yourself relative to them.
And the other presents you with a different dynamic [brings their own mechanics] that connects you through your aura. And as a Projector you deal with the other, again, a very deep and direct way auricly.
The moment that you begin to discuss, for example, somebody you know you have a relationship with and they ask you, you know, would you like to now live with them. You know, to live together. This is one of those classic moments in which as a Mental Projector, you need to contact others and you need to hear yourself talk about it.
It doesn't matter, in a sense, what the other thinks, or says. What matters is that you have that auric connection with the other. And in that auric connection, you can listen to what you say about it.
"My friend asked me if you know, if we should live together, you know, I don't really know. I mean, I've been thinking about it…"
Just casual conversation.
And it's not about doing it once. It's about doing it several times with different beings. Again, one on one. Again, just simply part of what is ordinary or normal conversation.
And yet each time that you do, the each time that you connect to the other, you get the opportunity to hear yourself. And to hear yourself talk about it. Each time you talk about it, you will notice certain things, either that you're shifting in your perspective, that you're shifting in your feeling about it.
Or that there is a beginning to a certain consistency in the way in which you discuss it with the other. It is out of this, that you can ultimately make your decision.
A decision that is really based on what you're good at: a recognition.
You need to recognize your own expression, which ultimately is your truth which ultimately gives you the power to be able to make a decision correctly as yourself.
No being is here without the potential for inner Authority. No being.
Some are purely direct and instantaneous, some authorities need to wait out the wave. Some authorities require convoluted or complex strategies in order for those authorities to ultimately express themselves.
The Mental Projector that needs to talk about, needs to discuss, what is there in its life in order to get a sense of what is correct for it.
The Reflector that need to wait for the Moon cycle so that all of the aspects of its nature that are built layer by layer, on this cycle of movement, ultimately can come together so that there can be a clear decision.
But in the end, what Human Design is, it's about navigating.
Nobody is, without a way to navigate on this plane.
Nobody has been left out of this process and whether you are a Reflector or you are a Mental Projector, the fact is that you have a way in which you can make decisions as yourself.
And you'll notice that in this unusual way in which the Non-Direct Authority emerges, that it emerges in non-energy types.
And non-energy types are so deeply susceptible to the conditioning of what is out there in the world. The conditioning of energy, the conditioning that is there in the energy types for immediacy.
Because you are non-energy type, it is here in your inner Authority that you can best see what that truly means for you.
It takes time to build up the energy to navigate, it takes time.
It takes technique.
It takes a process.
It takes awareness.
It takes patience.
Because the navigation in the end is the most important thing. And as a non-energy type, you do not want to be driven to decision making.
For Mental Projectors, for Reflectors, the conditioning of the world, around them, the conditioning of the homogenized world is the greatest distorting factor.
The Mental Projector, the Reflector, that makes decisions in the moment that these are lives that are lost.
And not easily or if ever recovered.
And so beware. You may not have an easily recognizable direct Inner Authority, but it does not mean that you are without one.
It means that you have to have the courage of your convictions.
If you're going to transform your life, if you're going to get to live this life as yourself, which is your right.
It's your right.
If you're going to be able to live this life, by your own authority, that the only way that you can do so is that you have to hold fast to the truth of what it is to be you.
- Do not be pushed by the world around you.
- Do not be pushed by those beings around you that wants something from you now.
- Do not be afraid that all is lost when you reject that.
Because only when you're operating correctly, only then are you going to have those beings in your life who are truly correct for you.
And as non-energy types, there is nothing more important for you in this life than who's there in your life.
We live in extraordinary times, we live with Pluto in the tenth gate, the Gate of behavior, our behavior, and our relationships to the world around us are all being deeply impacted.
More important than anything else, is our relationship to the other.
It is in this relationship to the other that the purity of what we can be arises IF the other is [not] there as an instrument of distortion in your life.
If the other is there catching you in [drawing you in the direction of] your not-self purpose, then the other becomes the enemy.
[I think the word enemy here is Distracted personal view hyperbole, but it does get the point across]
So many human beings have others in their lives that are not doing them any favors at all.
So remember, you may have a non-direct inner Authority but you do have an Authority.
An Authority that's profound.
An Authority that's pure.
An Authority that will guide you no matter what."