✨ Auric dynamics between Generators and Projectors ✨
Head to the comments for a juicy self-described rant from @bodyvoice (Vanessa Wesley) on this topic. 😍
And I tend to agree with her - on a lot of things tbh … but having been in this relationship with John for about 3 decades, and Vanessa’s is a couple more than that … we have a perspective to know that this is not the whole story - at all.
“Now here of course, we have the image of the connection between the Generator and the Projector.
This is the most important relationship that we have on the planet. It really is, I don't know who that was, I think that was Deborah one of one of these classes somewhere who said that, you know, maybe type was like sex in a way, meaning gender.
And in a very odd sense, you can really see that with Generators and Projectors.
I mean, if you imagine that their relationship was never an intimate one. And I don't think that there is any relationship that is ultimately more unhealthy, and I don't mean to spook anybody if it's your life, but what to do is the relation isn't the intimate relationship between a Projector and and and a Generator.
It can be very, very uncomfortable ultimately for both of them and the conditioning is very difficult.
First of all, the nature of the Projector and the Projector aura, you know, Projectors have a very unique role that is the balance between what is work and what is pleasure or what is non work or what is rest or what is the life, that this balance is a very, very delicate balance between the Generator and the Projector.
The Projector is a recognizing mechanism. Everything about their frequency is about the capacity to be able to focus. Projectors have a focused aura. Literally, it's almost extruded in a way you know, the aura can be compressed into a focus point and literally like a finger or a probe enters into the vehicle of the other, penetrates the aura of the other.
What in essence it penetrates is that it penetrates to the monopole. And basically what it's picking up in that sense is that it picks up what is the self that is expressed through the monopole’s work.
This is why the Projector has a particular gift for being able to understand the other, that is their whole aura mechanism is focused on the identity, the self in that sense of the other.
But the Generator in that situation, the Generator is always expecting, and expecting is a funny word because it’s not about conscious or unconscious, it’s just about the mechanics.
You know, they’re always, in essence expecting to be re-enveloped. If you know what I mean, everything for the Generator is the envelopment field.
I mean, it is, you know : “it's what's fair, you know, look at what I'm doing. I'm giving you all of this, I'm taking you in completely openly, wholly, you know, I'm burying myself to you right down to my monopole. And you know, and what are you doing? Now you're probing around inside, and I'm not getting anything. And I'm not getting anything”. And this is the dilemma for the Generator in its relationship with the Projector.
And of course, the Projector on the other hand, while it's doing all that focusing, it's being enveloped by the Generator and deeply conditioned in return. And so, there is a fundamental discomfort in this relationship, you know, that it is only when we begin to have communities of both Projectors and Generators, who operate correctly, who can be brought together in what is a non-intimate framework, only then can we begin to see the advantages in the relationship between the two of them. It is the most dynamic relationship we have on the planet.
And all of us who have been involved in design for a while understand that there is a schism that exists, you know, between Projectors and Generators, it's there, it's there.”
| Ra Uru Hu
| Generators transformation lecture personal transcript by Laeticia Phan