Anything Else - is a Kind of Torture
I have some new clarity around at least a portion of my naturally occurring audience - people I’m here to be myself for.
It’s an intersection I never (ever) could have guessed at via my Mind.
But the recurring theme is undeniable.
Right there and obvious in some of the people who’re drawn to me.
And I think it’s because I’m what I would call (or am calling so far...)
Religion neutral.
And also body neutral.
More on why this seems to be important in a minute.
First, here’s some other things I notice - in common.
They often consider themselves introverts.
Are figuring out their unique voice (or want to).
The group of women I’ve noticed arrive can often be grappling with all of these things - in one way or another.
To one degree or another.
I’m not here to play the roll of therapist. Because I’m not one. That’s someone else’s work.
Important work - just not mine.
But there’s clearly another potentially vital roll that I can/do play - it’s Mentor flavored.
Though that’s for the other to decide (not something I aspire to - it just is ... or not) - I don’t actually identify with the idea of that at all.
Which kind of makes sense if you know anything about the Open G center.
And, though I don’t understand it all the way yet (and maybe I never will who knows) ... it’s there.
In the stories of the women who arrive.
Often with either a strong Live and Let live leaning.
Or - and this is my big ah hah...
They’re on a “have de-churched, now what” sort of path ... ie. their journey has lead them to be deconditioning (at least in part) from religion.
They’re deconditioning from sweeping generalizations about how women are supposed to be and show up in the world.
Some are also parents, some are not.
They’re finding their way to themselves and being themselves in their businesses - or figuring out where that even fits or not.
My role seems to be some kind of lighthouse. That stands still and constant while they find their own footing.
Being a resource for this and that.
Sort of who I’ve been for my own children. Each needing me in their own way.
Which is kind of interesting ’cause that’s a common metaphor - for Projectors ... the Lighthouse thing.
I don’t actually believe it’s only Projectors who can be this sort of beacon btw.
But here’s another ah hah.
Where real lighthouses are there for keeping any and all ships “off the rocks” ...
We’re not actual lighthouses.
We’re not here for everyone to appreciate or even recognize.
There’s a natural niche-ing down that comes with doing business as yourself (that’s another piece of the puzzle- there’s a common interest in that direction too)
Most of this has come clear through meeting people via a mutual interest in Human Design.
Which I guess makes sense - people generally wanting to peel back their own onion layers of conditioning and - ultimately - love themselves.
Or support people who do.
They (you?) want this for themselves, their families and their clients.
So yeah this have de-churched or been in the process of it for a few years.
That’s new awareness for me.
Paired with that can come a lot of exploration of sensuality (also not my work - but it’s there and isn’t for ignoring...)
I seem to be something more like a trusted witness and neutral think tank/ brainstormer and possibility flavored guide and ally.
Dunno 🤷🏻♀️ labels have never been my thing - ironic (and challenging 😆) for a marketer.
Soooo interesting though eh?
Any light bulbs popping for you?
Head nodding going on?
That’s always a good sign.
When heads are nodding 🙂
PS this was also posted on my FB timeline today - I wrote it in the middle of the night before I knew for sure it was Locals worthy <3
It is.
Here's the link if you'd like to read the comments there: