Color 4 - Touch Determination
✨ Notes on Touch determination from Ra’s transmissions ✨
via Laeticia Phan
Basics from Radical transformations
“When we go above we begin to change because we‘re moving into circumstances. I'm a 4th Color. And I‘m a 4th Color on the Left side. That is, I‘m a calm. And fun- damentally what that means is that it‘s not about me being calm. It's about me being in a calm environment when I eat. My instant reaction in an environment where I'm eating where somebody's being disturbing is to be an aggressive Manifes- tor and hit them. For me eating is supposed to be calm. And of course, that‘s my prejudice because that's me.
The other side of the coin is my son, Loki, who‘s nervous. He‘s the other side. So if we‘re having dinner together and it's calm it‘s bad for him. If we‘re having dinner together and it's disturbing it‘s lousy for me. It‘s really something to grasp about how important it is. I take most of my meals alone, calm. It‘s wonderful. It‘s just wonderful.”
Nuances from PHS analysis (Y1S2)
“It also says something about the way in which the fourth color can be understood is that the themes of the fourth color are generalized themes rather than deeply specific.”
“So let's take the example my example. My fourth color Sun earth, the binary is calm, nervous. Now it isn't so much about the being being calm or nervous. As much as about the circumstance being calming or nervous is a is a difficult word in this context, because nervous is important. I need to put that in there. And yet at the same time, it's also about being stimulated or being. It's an energy that is there that is not there in the calm circumstance.
Let's take the example of eating when I was growing up. The family dinner table was a kind of argumentative warzone. And I don't mean that in a totally negative sense. I just mean that in that As you were expected to make intellectual contributions that could easily be hammered, and there was always a certain there was always a certain tension and nervousness about sitting around that table and having an evening meal. And I'm somebody whose fourth color operates through the calm through the calm. That is my predisposition. My predisposition is for the calm circumstance. And one of the things that I cannot tolerate, for example, is a lot of stimulation when I eat. I don't like a lot of chit chat and conversation. I like peaceful eating.
And it is the very calmness of the circumstance, that is correct for whatever I take in, because I'm going to transfer and I'm going to transfer a lot. And it means that I can end up transferring to the one to the two to three, because even when you have a primary transference point, it doesn't really matter. It's simply the first one you go to, you know, when you can end up crawling around in many of them, if you're you know, for the not self, it never stops, and it becomes very, very confusing. And it's not about whether, you know, you're transferred, and you're taking in the hot or the cold, or the consecutive or alternating, or whatever the case may be. The fact is that that's not going to be detrimental to your health if the circumstance is correct. In other words, you know, if I am in a calming environment, and this is something that's very important, if I'm in a calming environment, the fact that my fourth color is transferring, and I'm suddenly fixed on, you know, just taking in, you know, things that are hot, as an example, now, this is one of my themes, you know, it's one of the things in transference that I'm well aware of as as a fourth color, son Earth, and yet as long as the circumstance is correct, everything is okay. In other words, it is not doing any damage to my being.
And this is something that brings the exception to the nature of the fourth color, because the fourth color cannot in that sense truly be fixed. As such, it is it's built into us that as long as the the general theme of the color is present in the circumstance, this is the key, then the transference is not something that is going to be detrimental. But the moment the moment that one isn't operating correctly, in terms of the circumstance, then everything that you take in can be detrimental. Everything. And of course, it can be very difficult, because you're all over the place.
And of course, this is what happens to so many people who are fourth color is that, you know, they keep on going through changes in the way they eat, and, you know, all kinds of things looking for a solution to whatever their their physical dilemma happens to be, and they don't find it, because it's the circumstance.
Now assume for a moment that you're somebody that is fourth color and you are fixed to the nervous. You know, and again, I want you to see that that, you know, nervous sometimes has well not sometimes most often, it brings to mind a negative and and I really want you to, you know, take the negative out of the nervous for a moment and just see it as stimulated and being stimulated. You know, it's one of the things that you see for example, in in certain carnivores, you know, the, the, the the cat, you know, there's nothing worse than having a house cat. And, you know, the other night my cat brought in a bunny for God's sake. I mean, there's nothing worse than that.
And of course, it's appalling because they, they go through this process of creating all of this tension, you know, they go through this long kill process, and most people think that you know, it is a cruelness of the animal but it isn't, it's another digestive system. You know, they need to build up a certain stimulation in order for them to be able to digest the food. And it's one of the things that's the horrendous thing about house cats who are pets, is that because they never really get that opportunity. And most of them don't I mean, my cat lives, you know, in nature out here, so it gets a lot of opportunities, but the typical house cat, it doesn't get that opportunity, so you don't get that kind of stimulus that is developed and guess what you get, you get very, very smelly, you know, waste from the cats, cats have notoriously horrible smell to their waste. But that is simply the typical, you know, urban pet cat, who never gets this constant, you know, stimulation that is necessary for them to crank up their digestive system. So they're really able to process all of the food and, and process it well, and get the best out of it, and so forth, and so on.
So one of the things to understand about the nervousness is that this is a totally different circumstance, you know, this is the kind of person that is, is going to feel terrific, you know, with a crowded place, and lots of noise and lots of action and things going on, and, you know, eating while they're arguing and all of this stuff. And all of that's terrific. Because for them, that is the way that when they take something into their vehicle, they can process it directly.
And of course, you know what happens with these people, they're always being told by others to calm down, you know, that it isn't good for them relax, why are you getting so excited, you know, you won't be able to digest your food, all of these stories, and of course, the just stories, you know, the magic of what it is to know, you know, your personal health design, because that's what it's all about. And it is this theme of the circumstance that changes everything. Because you see the four because it can never fix, it's the only way that the four, the fourth color can be healthy. It's the only way.”
“Okay, now let's think about something. Why is the touch there. Now, the touch means a lot when we look at it in terms of the externalization. And we'll talk about that. But the touch is something that is absolutely essential for us as healers, as healers, you see, one of the things that we need to be able to do is that we need to be able to either calm these beings down, or stimulate them. If they're not correct, you know, if they're not correct, they need to be calmed, or they need to be stimulated, now touches something that is really extraordinary. I mean, it's extraordinary. With your touch, you can bring somebody to a point of total relaxation, to the point of sleep. And with your touch, you can put people on fire. And it's really something to grasp about. The healing aspect of this is not for those that are simply intellectually gifted in the knowledge, it really isn't. There's a special quality that's necessary, there are those that with their touch, can bring both. That is there are those who bring calmness, and they're one side of the touch field. And on the other side, there are those that can stimulate you. And one of the things that's so interesting about the touch is that in dealing with it in the internalization, it points directly to one of the most ancient of all healing systems, it points to acupuncture, it points to the ability to penetrate into the body. Because after all, touches touch, this is just about contact, being able to penetrate into the body, and being able to either calm or stimulate in that sense, and I think that the one of the many, many directions of PHS, as we move into the future, is that this is an area where the the knowledge of acupuncture can be of great service. It is also about those that you know, use pressure points with their hands are able to manipulate pressure points put energy into others through various pressure points.”
“The transference, obviously, is something that, you know, is significant because of course it you know, if we understand where they're transferring, you know, they're going to think most fourth colors do they're going to think that if they change what they're taking, for example, if this is internalization, if they you know, they think what they take into their body is the thing that's going to make a difference instead of the circumstance in that sense. And we need to see both? What is natural for them to take in? Because remember, they will experiment with all the possibilities in that sense, what is natural for them to take in as the transference? Because remember, this is the most extraordinary thing about the fourth color is that you, it doesn't matter whether you're transferred or not as long as the circumstance [calm/nervous environment] is correct.”