5th lines face projections from Day 1
"But what does the heretic actually bring?
The interesting thing about the 5 [the 5th line] is that there is a natural paranoia to the 5.
And there is a natural paranoia to the 5 because in fact it appears it gets a good deal, but in fact it gets a pressure deal, always.
In other words, the 5, if you look at the lines of the Rave I’Ching what you get to see is the 5 is the only exalted line.
In other words, and this is the tradition of the original I’Ching that the 5th line carries with it all of these nice names—the general, the therapist, the “this and that,” the saint, the savior—these are all 5th line themes.
Basically, what that means is that the 5th line being comes into the world and immediately is facing positive projection.
So, you’re a mother, you have a 5th line baby and the first impression you get is this is going to be the best baby in the world until it pees on you, or whatever the case may be.
The fact is, the moment that child breaks the illusion of its perfection, it’s always going to live with the fact that it’s always considered an under performer.
That it didn’t live up to its promise. And all 5th line beings have to deal with that.
So, this positive projection that they get, in other words, you can be my Savior, you can be my Saint, you can be my “this and that,” the moment they fall for the projection they’re lost.
The moment you fall for it, you’re lost.
The person that says to the 5, you’re the answer for me—poof, don’t fall for that; that is a projection. They don’t know.
It’s one of the things about the 5 is that it is a chimera, in a way. You don’t really see what’s there; you’re seeing - the other, is seeing what it wants to see.
Of course, because it gets the positive projection, and it’s a positive projection that is fundamental in the effect it has on strangers that therein lies its possibility to universalize. In other words, that positive projection gives it a chance.
I’m a sun in 51, 5th line, I’m an initiator, [if/when] I put out the word that I’m an initiator, you come to me and if you’re not initiated, I’m in enormous trouble.
But you’re coming because the projection is there.
And when you meet me you get the full package. And then you get into your own state of what you think you see.
And as long as the Heretic can deliver something that satisfies that projection, everything is fine. As long as I can read your design after all of that, everything is fine.
But if I couldn’t, if I was just another hip hop shyster in the world, the fact that everybody and their aunt would have known about it almost instantaneously.
The living proof of the validity of Human Design is that its messenger is a 5th line being.
If anybody is going to get smashed, it’s a 5th line being.
If anything doesn’t work they’re going to take the blame for it, they’re going to take the heat.
What’s the heresy? That’s the cute part. Where’s the heresy in that. In other words, all you really have is a personality profile in which there is a possibility that somebody is ready to project on you that you can be this or that.
The heresy is, in fact, that you can tell them the truth; that is, your truth. It’s the same heresy that’s available to everyone. It’s not unique. What is unique in the configuration is the way in which the other meets the 5.
That’s what’s different, that projection. And depending on where that 5 is, in what gate it is in, the way the design is, and so forth and so on, that’s the way in which the projection is going to be oriented.
Because that heretic has that opportunity in that moment to tell the other, to offer the other its outer authority, and it is the power of that outer authority, if it is correct, that’s what can be universalized to those that are ready for that.
But there is a key in all of that. It’s a key that I pay a great deal of respect to. It’s in the "49th gate, in the 5th line." It’s all about practical provisions in revolutionary times.
And it is something to grasp about the essence of the heretic is that they are of value when the other is in crisis.
This is the value.
And of course, because the other is in crisis they turn to the heretic for a different kind of answer, the projection that you can give me the real answer, you can give me the truth.
The classic configuration of a 5th line personality is with a 1st line unconscious design.
So we have the heretic that is the investigator. And remember that whenever we are looking at these roles that the roles have to bow down to the power of the vehicle, because the body is the life. [5/1] This is an investigator's body."
-Ra Uru Hu