Showing up as ourselves.
Made a 1/2 brain dump, 1/2 Ra quote post this morning over in Dbay Locals that’s speaking to how seeing and showing up as ourselves (here I mean - as we’re Designed) is the whole “secret sauce” to this experiment we’re engaged with when we meet Human Design.
Heads up, it’s free to read most of the posts over there and ridonculously affordable to participate - for the next 6 months.
That’s primarily because of a platform detail I’m attempting to work around so that the Annual offer can be switched on and a juicy irresistible offer that will allow the community to thrive can be established.
The “problem” is, to turn that feature on, there have to be 50 supporters.
So, to make that easy as pie for you to help me with that, the lowest monthly price it’s ever going to be is whatever is through this link (copy and paste into a browser like Chrome if it’s not clickable).
You may have to login to Locals first if you aren’t already.
I say lowest possible, because every 10 new supporters, I’m adding a couple dollars on.
That’s the price you’ll be grandfathered in at as a monthly member. Later I’ll make the case for annual - and you can decide then if that’s for you.
For now, could really use your help getting to 50 - everyone counts! :)
PS. I may be sounding like a bit of a broken record till we get to 50 Dbay supporters, and tbh, maybe beyond 😊 … this is part of who I am, a piece that’s been largely put away in storage since I bumped into HD tbh.
👉🏼 just over here shaking off the mothballs 🙃🤗
Appreciate you!