Gate 2 -The Receptive, and the nature of direction in Life
"Gate 2, The Receptive. The 2nd hexagram. This is the gate of Higher Knowing, and it is a gate that has a great deal to do with the nature of direction in our lives.
The second gate in its right angle configuration, the Cross of the Sphinx, is all about the mutative direction of humanity and its ultimate direction into the future, and the way in which its movement into the future codifies the way in which it sees its past.
Everything about the direction of humanity is rooted in the second gate, and mystically speaking, this is where the magnetic monopole resides.
That is the magnetic monopole which is one of these three objects that are part of the endowment of every human being:
A personality crystal to manifest who they think they are.
A design crystal to manifest the biochemical vehicle,
And the magnetic monopole that holds it together in its illusion of separateness and also moves it along its trajectory.
In this life, the second gate is, in the mystical, sense where the driver sits, and it is a gate of vision, that is, it has this capacity within it to be able to move the identity clearly towards a direction that is ultimately the direction that is fulfilling for humanity as a whole.
It's always so interesting that when you're looking at the second gate, it is the most receptive of all gates. That is, it's the Yinnist of all gates, we're dealing with six Yin lines.
And as such, when we're looking at the second gate and the way in which the second gate operates within its channel, is the channel of the beat.
This is the connection to the 14th gate, Possession in great measure. And the 14th gate being a Sacral gate, this carries an enormous amount of energy to fulfill direction in life.
All second gates sitting alone without the 14th gate, there is this inherent capacity to be able to direct, to be able to drive the vehicle as it were, but it doesn't mean that they have the opportunity to put their foot on the gas pedal. And so there is this longing, if you will, for the energy to drive the direction.
There are those who carry the second gate in an open G center and remember that when we're dealing with the G center, we're dealing with identity. And when the G center is undefined, there is a lack of consistency in identity. And ultimately identity is about direction.
That is, it's about place and it is about the movement that takes place in the life. And of course, when we're dealing with an open G center, the not-self strategy of the open G center is to search for love and to be uncertain about where they are.
Now, obviously when you're dealing with a second gate that is really here to drive us along our selected path, that it can be very very difficult not to know what the direction is and yet to [also] have this gate within one's design.
And again, whenever we're looking at configurations, whenever you're looking at any gate that you have … recognize something:
Despite the depth that you can bring to understanding any specific gate, the way in which the gate is going to operate is through its continuity to the rest of your design.
If the design operates as a whole, then the components of the design are going to operate correctly. This is the whole basis of the simplicity of Strategy rooted in Type that is the foundation of Human Design knowledge.
That is, the moment that you're operating correctly according to the Strategy and Authority of your Type, then each and every one of the gates that you have activated, whether they're part of defined or undefined centers, are going to operate correctly because you are operating correctly as a whole.
However, there is always going to be a difference between those who have the second gate in a defined G center and those who have the second gate in the undefined.
For the defined it is always clear where to go. This is the gate of the driver and the only handicap may be that, that defined G center is not also connected to a motor. And so there can be frustration in that or bitterness in that that one is not able to fulfill one's direction in life.
But whenever you're dealing with the undefined G center and the activated hanging second gate, there is a deep yearning to simply drive, and of course the risk in that is you end up driving all over the place but never getting to where you really belong."
-Ra Uru Hu