The world is made up of powerful (conditioning) units that HD calls ‘Pentas’
“The Penta seeks homogenization. It seeks the ability to not stand out or be different.
[Penta refers to a group of 3-5 people in relationship, in aura - in this case the family, but also Pentas are found in business - as a working group of 3-5 people.]
The family Penta - most people are born into these family units - human children must have care for many years, after all.
But there’s unaware dysfunction that doesn’t support the individual- because a Penta has its own agenda.
Here’s a transcript of Ra speaking about these universal conditioning Pentas.
Please remember that conditioning is inevitable. And generally neither ‘good’ or ‘bad’. It is the spice of life.
It’s not having awareness of what IS ourselves and what is not, that conditioning like the family Penta can potentially be so problematic.
Now here’s Ra -
“The conditioning of the family Penta is so powerful. You want your children to be “normal.” And actually, the Penta’s ides of normal is for your children to be well-homogenized, just as messed up as everybody else’s children. Parenting is about awareness.
The magic of Human Design is that it’s the science of differentiation. What's so special about this knowledge is that it gives you a blueprint of what makes you different, what makes you unique, what makes your child different and your child unique. It’s not about looking at your child’s design and saying, oh, this is going to be a problem.
The reality is that when you look at the nature of your child and you look at their design, what you’re seeing is them. Not what you want them to be. Because of the pressure that is there in the Penta, the pressure to have ‘normal’ children, we have all of these generalized false standards about what is a healthy child.
Nothing has disturbed me more over the years than to see the relationship between parents and children where the parents simply do not see their child. They see what they think are symptoms of a problem instead of seeing the true normality of the child. And here we see the first dilemma that we have in parenting, that parents don’t see their differentiated child.”