Individual Circuitry carries Melancholy - it’s a vital part of that kind of creativity
Without the melancholy of the Individual Circuitry, there is no creativity. It’s a two-sided coin.
My creative channel isn’t dependent on that (16/48 is a collective channel), so I don’t really have first hand knowledge of this. Melancholy is not part of my creative process.
Though emotionally defined, that’s a tribal channel in my case, so that ‘low wave’ potential is also not married to my creativity. Nothing especially creative comes of it. I find it’s more ‘productive’ to just wait out my wave, doing nothing ‘creative’.
Vs. Individual circuitry melancholy, during which some of their greatest and most important works can be birthed.
So, I appreciate Saski’s observations and question at the end. It’s brought an interesting clarity.
Here’s her original thread if you’d like to contribute to it -