"Projectors have a chance to see the grace of what life is. They have a chance to see that everybody is helpless.
And in recognizing that everybody is helpless, recognizing that in that, they can see everyone. And that's what they are here for. To see the other. We are not here alone, we are not.
And the basic binary that bring us together, is only a step in trying to bring the whole together. Only Projectors can have such a vision and such a possiblity. Because is only through them that the outside, that each of every other can be seen. To really see you.
I mean, if you meet a Generator, they're not seeing you, they're waiting to find out who they are.
When you meet a Projector they're only seeing you. They don't even know that they are there. Is very different, it's just different.
So if you are a Projector and you are going to start this process, there's only one way in which you can seduce your mind: Study.
Find out how this all works. Find out how Generators work, and Manifestors work, and Reflectors works.
Find out how [other] Projectors work, 'cause they are not you. Find how they all work, and then watch.
And watch all those beings around you, watch those people that are so deeply part of your life. And learn to see them for who they are. Learn to understand how they work. Oh, that's the way for a Projector".
-Ra Uru Hu