A legend to your map was born 6 years ago
The post I was replying to here I’ve added as a screenshot in the 2nd image. Just for context and simplicity.
6 years ago I wrote -
“Sounds like an opportunity :)
For some reason I found myself with the energy and inclination to create this chart a couple of days ago - feel free to include it or not in whatever (anyone).
There already is some discourse among the few people I shared it with for proofing re. word choice and approach LOL (so maybe a selection of these in a welcome packet might be in order? - example ... Dagmar posted a version last Fall that I've only just come to be aware of) - have come to the decision that it's not my problem :)
The 1/3 me (?) really needed "just the facts" ... a way to look at the chart and have any comprehension at all of what I was looking at and what the parts were called (so I could begin to interpret the conversations I was witnessing ... and one day ... maybe... be able to participate with words that others would know what I meant. Like learning a new language, 'ya know?
Anyway - this is the iteration of this information that I wished I'd had straight away - like a legend for a map. Marian did create me a personal one early on (once I found my way here) that had the planets and centers on it - to this day I still refer to it for the planets. (thanks Marian!)
Do what you will with it ... or not ;-)
<3 Thank you for the opening Chaitanya - I appreciate you :)”
And that is how this legend to your map (that’s my chart used as the example), was born.
Someone (from here actually) ‘liked’ that comment for the first time just a bit ago.
Love bumping into stuff like that again 🤩