Let's Craft YOU an Offer ... Wanna?
I dropped this onto my FB timeline yesterday and it's getting decent interaction.
Thanks to a DM conversation I was having last night, this post (screenshot below) happened next.
There's a thing called fidil (Fuck it Do It Live - coined by Colin Theriot over at the Cult of Copy on FB)
In a nutshell it's an “offer selling and then doing” model of product and content creation that I've watched and experienced with a few different marketers over the years.
Paired with some storyselling type posts for a few days ahead of time, they're relatively easy to sell. And very easy to deliver on.
Then you have a recorded program that can be resold - to as many or few as you'd like. I often use these things as bonuses to something else.
Now I'm having the idea of helping people DO this fidil thing - it can literally start from an idea, be sold and delivered ... fairly rapidly.
A recent-ish example of just this is my offer called "Your Human Design Mission Statement".
You can read the whole backstory here:
You can also buy it there. Or not :)
That's not the point of this post. It's just an example, though it did turn out quite nicely.
The point here (for me) is to consider that there's a new offer to maybe dream up - one that could possibly have far-reaching effects.
I usually call them Workshops.
How to offer it and to whom is the question.
Even more important - first - are these two questions ; related to my own Human Design and to be in line with Doing Business as Myself :)
The two questions are:
1. What do I have the energy for (Emotional Inner Authority might take some time to come to a conclusion here, though my 3rd line can play meanwhile)
2. Am I invited? 🤔
As a Projector, it's number 2 that really matters the most first.
Because if no one's interested in being guided by me (I have the benefit here of knowing this isn't so - there's always someone anymore, which is lovely) ...
But if it's not something that can be leveraged across many people - leaving interesting ripples in its wake...
Well, that's the sort of thing I can have energy for - "ripple creating" projects.
Wondering how many I can do and in a way that's accessible to the most people - without burning out and in a way that breeds zero bitterness.
That's what's on my mind atm :)
How many people can I do this with. And how can I remove myself from the equation in due time.
In a way that's a Win for everyone.
You may have already answered over on my FB post - but would love to have you reply here as well.
Planet Andrea Locals supporters get a front of the line pass to my attention :)