The Human Design calendar’s New Year began yesterday afternoon.
Link to a doc with the nitty gritties in the first comment. :)
And this from Ra -
“It isn’t the transits that rule the world. Program, in that sense, doesn’t rule us. It isn’t meant to be either this or that. It’s simply there. It’s simply something that we live with. It is our environment. It is our weather. And everything about how you deal with that and how you handle that environment comes with maturity.
We long ago moved out of caves into, at least many of us, into much more comfortable, much more controlled, much more protected environments. Then we don’t feel the curse of the elements on the outside. Like everything having to do with Human Design, information is abundant. Strategy is singular. Follow your strategy and you’re not going to be a victim of transits. Not following your strategy, not be who you are, live out the life of the not-self and then the transits are going to rule your life.
The same thing is true with being yourself. Living in the environment of the neutrino program, to be yourself is to be the most sophisticated you can be in terms of your consciousness. And in that sophistication to be able to have built in you is that protection against the negative aspects of the elements.
Whatever the transit field is going to be, whatever the cycle is going to be, any concern you might have is for the not-self out there who’s going to be trapped by it. But if you’re honoring your type, if you’re living out your strategy you will see quite clearly that regardless of what cycle you move through, the cycle is for you.
Have a good new rave year.”