Personal integrity in the Wa takes vigilance
“For me the WA is personal, if I can put it that way. It is so powerful in the way it controls. It's so powerful. And even if you don't want to be a controlling force-take somebody like me in my work, all I want to do is get people go do their thing. Yet, the moment there's a group and they're there in my aura, I'm an Alpha and they're caught in a hierarchical role play, it is not to say that it's all bad or this or that, it's not, . . .
it's simply about understanding what happens to us and understanding that there are so many ways in which we can take in information or the way in which we see ourselves in relationship to the world around is being conditioned by trans-auric forms and that we need to understand that clarity for us, clearness, whatever the perception time you need that you need to pull away from these large complex auras because they're really controlling the way in which you are operating in your relationship to where you see yourself in the world.
We're not here to be controlled by this, regardless of what gates that you have. We're not here to be controlled by those things, we're not. That's the whole beauty of all this. The whole beauty of the knowledge is that you can always be okay. You follow the mechanism that is correct for you, follow the Strategy and Authority that's correct for you, you're not going to get lost in any of these. It will certainly give you an opportunity to begin to witness them, to watch them. As we move along, because we have quite a journey in front of us.
I'm going to begin to show you unique relationships that are there between the power base and the channels. We're going to begin to see the lines of authority in life itself, the way things move, literally the way they move and the way they become something. So, how the whole abstract process gives birth to what is the modern life. This is just what we're all about, how the logical process becomes ingrained in what are those things that we absolutely will accept, bound by them.
So, for the group that's one thing; for the individual, hey, be clear about what groups mean, begin to watch them, begin to see yourself in them. It's quite something. But most of all, for your own process, remember that there is no armor.
This shroud of the trans-auric is all around us. From three people onward the shroud is there and it is deeply, deeply controlling. And it's only in recognition of that that you have a deep, deep, deep drive to maintain the integrity of your way, the integrity of what it is to operate out of your own authority.”