How Recognition Can Become a Trap for Projectors
Here’s what I had to say after reading the passage below.
“I think my 3rd line has helped me to side step this in my marriage.
Especially once I had a solid awareness of my open head 😅
I see how I break bonds with him lots throughout the day when the conversation takes a turn that’s ‘not for filling up my head with’ ”
[ie. discovering that not everything was “my thing” to think about was, I believe the literal key that unlocked the door to the possibility of the rest of my experiment -
perhaps part of why I’m so clear that seeing the Notself center themes in action in real life is mission-critical level important]
Ra said - transcript courtesy of Laetitia
“Not a guide, a super slave guide” 👀
“[inaudible question]
Well, you know, [being the authority for someone else or seeking someone else to be our authority; telling us what to do, think, see] …
It just leads to dependencies.
And most human beings, because they cannot operate out of their own authority, they only operate out of dependencies and are constantly being dependent on others to be their authority.
Once somebody allows you to be their authority, they don't want to ever give that up.
Why should they? And they do look for guidance. Oh, absolutely.
And then of course, because of the nature of projectors, they try to turn you into their slave guide.
[many “you knows ahead” alert 😅]
You know, it's not the guide, it's their slave guide.
You know, you need to be enslaved, they need to control you.
You know, they need to make sure that you're going to help them and guide them when they want you to help them and guide them.
They want you to be available for that help and guidance, and don't want to let you go out, you know, you stay home, I may need you and half an hour for guidance, you know what I mean?
I mean, you know, it becomes quite a thing.
And projectors are the great super slaves of the planet.
I mean, you know, pretend generators totally locked into the, you know, being being enslaved by everybody else's demands, you know, so it gets really dangerous.
It's really dangerous… dependencies? I mean, it's one of the most dangerous things about levels of knowledge like this, where you know, those that develop professional direction, for example, in something like human design, the greatest risk is dependency.
Now, it's not as hard for somebody like me, because a manifester with my closed door, I just say goodbye, you know, I'm not going to hold your hand, you know, but so many people involved in things like this, how difficult it is for them, you know, not to get caught up in other people's dependencies.
And once people are dependent on you, you know, that you have to be the one that is going to make the difference in their life puts enormous pressure on you, you know,
And then all they want to do is control you because if you make it work for them; most projectors are very unhappy with successful partners.
Now, isn't that a joke?
This is what projectors do. You transfer your success over to your partner, you know, your partner has a great success, and you're miserable as hell.
You know, and they've enslaved you into being you know, their success talisman, “you’re my good luck charm, don't leave the house. You know, stay in that room. You know, I'm gonna get a lock for that door. I'll keep you under my control.”
You know, I'm exaggerating. But nonetheless.”
| Ra Uru Hu
| Source : transcript of “The projector empowerment” audios