In the end - it’s one person at a time ☺️
“And the moment that you're not operating out of your own authority, the moment anyone has an authority over you is the moment that you are unworthy and you know it, which is why you can be so grateful and so stupid when somebody says to you: oh, I love you.
Yeah, give me a break. Oh, really, you think that I'm okay, gee, wow, how nice. I don’t know why. I actually think I'm a jerk, but what to do.
Human beings don't know how or what to love, because they’ve never found it in themselves.
They’ve never felt the beauty of the warmth that goes through your body when you are comfortable in your skin. When you know that your life is something that you can manage, and that you can manage correctly as yourself, and it doesn't matter how that relates to this person or that person or this thing or that thing.
And it's only then, only then that you can turn and look to the other and see what's there, not yearn for something that you don't have, but to see what's there and to meet what’s there as yourself.
Humanity running around blindly—I promise, I do, I promise. I promise that I’m going to be good to you and all that stuff.
All of these things that I'm describing, they’re normal, aren’t they?
This is the world. It is the way the world works. It’s the way the people around you are driven.
These are the various purposes depending on their design that haunt them. And in most cases overwhelm them so that their whole lives are spent in that. It’s an empty place.
And you cannot conquer this by knowing it. You cannot save humanity by telling them. You can’t.
It’s one of the things that is so important to understand about this knowledge, to understand what it means to carry this within you.
It's one person at a time.
It’s perhaps somebody that you can touch, that one person that is ready because they're on your fractal. And they have the serendipity of being one of those beings that is just lucky enough.
After all, somewhere within the 5% of humanity lies the possibility of those that could, that might be able to transform their lives. It's actually quite a lot of people. But they already have to break out in order to be found. That you can't just go and hit the whole thing, because it doesn't work, because it's so dense.”