Human Design Australia shares -
“The moment that your vehicle is aligned is the moment that your eyes open up to their way of seeing.
It‘s not what, in that sense, you see, but it is the filter of your seeing. You filter for things.
We all see with a different filter. We all see different aspects of the spectrum.
We see them differently. When we're looking at these different views, what we get to see is we go from the very primary view filtering [Personality Nodes Colors 1-3] only those themes of survival, those themes of fear, those themes of not knowing, all of those themes ultimately to the personal themes at the top [Personality Nodes Colors 4-6] in which everything is seen in almost a narcissistic way. Everything is seen through the lens of the own being‘s experience, different ways of filtering the world around us.
Each of us has a unique way of filtering that world.
Now, here is where we get to the beginnings of the magic of being aware, truly.
When I first began my mystical process I had a lot of friends here in Ibiza who were very much into all kinds of Eastern spiritual trips.
I watched that movie very carefully. It was so clear to me that there was no real meaning for the word they were trying to describe because nobody really knew how to get there.
They just sort of had a sense of it if they came across it.”
~ Ra Uru Hu