“The real question [solution, variable] is you.
It's always you.
👉🏼 If you're correct, you can deal with somebody who is dysfunctional.
👉🏼 If you're correct, you can live in a world of dysfunction.
👉🏼 If you're correct, then you can live as you should.
This is really what it's all about. It's only then that you begin to open up to the possibility of the other [their Design].
It's very, very difficult for human beings to truly accept the other.
It's quite something.
You have to go through layers and layers and layers of resistance.
I know. I've been through that movie.
Every open Center I have, I've gone through layers and layers of resistance of finally just accepting that what passes through those open Centers is just what passes through.
And that ultimately, I can turn my gaze upon it and see what it is and learn something from it instead of being the victim of it.”
~Ra Uru Hu
Thanks Koen Hillewaert and Oleksander Vasin