9 Centers Saturdays - Updated thoughts (we can begin this coming weekend!)
Update to this update (it’s Thursday) - hmmm 🤔 there doesn’t seem to be much energy for this so far.
Let’s postpone and/or re-imagine, shall we? 🙃😎
No zoom this weekend. Still kinda travel-tired too.
Hi y'all - so I'm still feeling the travel drag - am gonna take it easy this week I think (as if that's different than any other week lol) ... but this weekend, this Saturday is the 1st Saturday of February and I'd said I could get clearer closer to time.
It's closer to time! :)
So here's what I'm thinking...
9 Centers Saturdays -
2 calls each month for one of those centers ... every other Saturday (will have to navigate differently if there's any 5 Saturday months - likely that's just a day off).
If we begin this coming weekend, we'll have basically 'loosely scheduled' clear through to October or so (maybe we take some breaks in July and or August?- we shall see), which is when I usually get kind of distracted anyway with birthdays and Holidays and whatnot.
Sunday Q&A would, for the foreseeable future be available on the opposite weekends.
Here's our Google Calendar link with the current schedule -
And the Ra original 9 Center recordings - link in the comments - will be our jump off point, but of course, we're also free to wander wherever we wander.
This Saturday, we'll begin with the Head Center.
Unfortunately these recordings are not tidily broken up into the individual centers (although that is how Ra delivered the information), so listen to the recordings till he switches to the next center if you can- if anyone feels like doing timestamps to guide us, that'd be swell.
That way we'll have a foundation of info to inform our conversations.
1. Listen to the 9 Centers training - the Head Center section this week
(link in comments of this post)
2. This Saturday (Feb 4), we can have a zoom convo about whatever you heard with whoever shows up.
3. These will be recorded.
Appreciate you!
Andrea :)