Koen’s Ra Quote of the day
‘This is the last chance we get to get the truth.’ - Koen’s main takeaway
“There are moments where I’d love to be able to take you into my fantasy so you can see this headlong rush towards the truth.
Not only is it a rush towards the truth, but it’s not a rush in the way you see an arrow coming together as a head, it’s a rush like this.
It’s like a reverse arrowhead flying out there growing exponentially.
The amount of knowledge that we’re accumulating with every breath that I speak, right now, this moment, is absolutely incredible.
If you could really just see this movement of the expansion of our knowledge relative to the population expansion, relative to the movement over these 400 years, you’d see what I see, this magical race towards inner truth.
What’s so fascinating is when you think about this, it is nearly the end of the 61.1.
[not sure what date this was transcribed from, nor when the ‘end’ actually is he’s speaking of here - maybe some transit informed/interested party can tell us, I’m pretty clear now (wave over), that’s not something I care about enough to be the go-to person for]
We’re in the 1st line phase of this cycle. We’re in the 61.1.
The 61.1 is here for us. This is the last chance we get to get the truth.”
~Ra Uru Hu
Pictured - MaryAnne Winiger & I guess that’s Koen