It’s possible for every Now to be perfect.
Looking for a picture to add to this, I recognize that my perfect Nows would be very different without my eyes.
Although I have a feeling my other senses would be effective in continuing the entertainment, what I would get to notice would be so so very different.
Oleksander Vasin shared this Ra snippet and added his own (excellent imho) thoughts below -
"Let's say that you're lucky to meet somebody who has a Personality crystal that was just beside your Personality crystal when the Big Bang took place, when it all shattered, and you both share a common face where you were once connected to each other, and it's in one person's head center and it’s in the other’s and you think, here’s this incredible first-generation bond on the fractal. But then, you have different Designs and the Designs actually live the life. And even though that could be, in that sense, your real soul mate, personality crystal as a mechanical term for soul, the fact is that your bodies will not meet. Your vehicles have a different life. They just do.
There is no perfect relationship waiting for anyone. Logic has already told us that. But abstract has to find it out another way. Logic will impersonally see the pattern, see in the end that it’s hopeless, so let's build pattern techniques. The abstract will experience the impossible, experience that even in the best circumstances, in the best relationship, in the best possible moment, there is still a place inside them that knows that this is not perfect. It’s not."
Thanks Yenal Işık
“Something in me giggles at anyone who's chasing perfect. 😅
Once you see that you have your unique trajectory, once you surrender as a mind, then you stop chasing perfect, you just are there for what's correct (despite the level of challenge of it) and that's it.
And then you see, that the true perfect is not what you think it is.
You see that the true perfect is exactly what you have right now. In every now.
And it's bloody imperfect from mind's perspective.”