Notself Sessions - continue to be incredibly impactful.
Notself sessions - not exactly my bread and butter (that would be exhausting), but they are sort of the Gateway to it.
I’m about to make a post in the VIP group for new folks to raise their hand too, or not.
But wanted to give everyone here first dibs.
If it’s time for a private regroup or a tune up of some kind, let me know ASAP.
I usually only do a couple of these each month - that typically means like 20-30 a year total.
So, if you want some private time - I have energy now (this month, next month).
The spots are prepaid to reserve them and then we no-schedule scheduled as suits us privately.
The picture below is part of a DM that arrived the other day - I love it because it speaks to the ripple effect that’s possible. It’s her husband she’s speaking of. ❤️