The Design Crystal is our vehicle - the Personality living life through it.
Maurizio Meconi shared -
“The one thing that the Design Crystal needs to succeed at is successfully housing the potential of self-reflected consciousness. It’s entirely its responsibility, and entirely only in the sense that it provides the programming. It is the Monopole that will pull it all together in the illusion. But it is the Design that provides this deep programming.
So, when you’re looking at a Design, or you look at your own Design, that moment, we just tend to look at those two streams of data, even if we’re professional analysts you’re describing the data and you just do your thing.
But rarely do you really see it by itself in that singularity, in that moment before the Personality Crystal comes. - Ra (phs year 1 - sem 1 - lesson four)”
He (Maurizio, translated by Google from Italian) then went on to add -
“the design crystal is the shape, the vehicle, what we see in RED in the card [chart].
It forms in six months, from fertilization onwards [generally true, more like birth is triggered 3mos later], in the mother's womb. it is the material base, the form within which the personality (whose characteristics are described in BLACK in the graph) will be accommodated.
The basic programming, imagine the base of a cake, is that, essential, immutable, to be respected in terms of the environment, needs, nutrition, in short, to be treated as it is: it does not adapt, it does not change, it must not do nothing.
it is meant to accommodate the personality who will learn something during this temporary journey into incarnation.
The form must be respected in all respects because it is what it is.
it is the deep programming of what is the form in which we incarnate, not only in external terms of legs, arms, eyes, but in the deepest sense of inner perception.
Its sole purpose is to provide an environment into which the personality can enter and make this journey of exploration and experience which we call life.”