Sandra Zitto wrote -
“yeah totally. at this stage of my life If I get distracted bang... not easy life being a 6 ... so get the flavour of that on 6th line days,,,, is gonna be in the background for a long while soon ❤”
Koen’s Ra Quote of the day -
"The thing to recognize about 6th lines days is that if you’re under 30, the 6th line day is when you have one night stands. The 6th line day is when you have crises. The 6th line day is when you really get messed up. The 6th line day is when you jump in and do all kinds of outrageous things.
If you’re over 30, the 6th line day is, “I’m too tired, leave me alone.
The deepest warning you can give anyone on a 6th line day is to make damn sure that they look around them instead of looking off in the distance because they’re going to get whacked and they won't even notice it coming.”
~Ra Uru Hu