Koen’s Ra Quote of the day
We are active on 4th and 5th line days
“Understand that only 4th and 5th line days are for activity.
With the technology we have, one day in the future that’s all that will be necessary, because I guarantee you that the more and more efficient we are at being able to create those things that we need by mechanisms and technologies, the less and less we’re going to have of actual responsible “work.”
If you look at a vast spectrum of American economics today, which is businesses that are run out of the home, you’ll see that very few of them are actually involved in traditional outside work other than a few days of the week, because that’s what’s natural.
What is natural is that we are active on 4th and 5th line days.
In other words, active in the sense of going out beyond our own process, going out to meet the world, going out to do transitions, going out to take care of business, all of those things.
That’s when it’s perfect.
If you wait for 4th and 5th line days, you’ll see that it’s much more successful.
Try the experiment.
If you have the kind of life where you’re scheduling meetings for specific times during the week, try to get them into 4th and 5th line days.
And the really practical meetings, get them into the 5th line day.
You’ll see that the general environment is more conducive for you even if you’re dealing with somebody who’s ignorant, because, of course, they are in the aspect.
They are being conditioned generally by the environment and you can take advantage of that so that the best for you comes out in that situation.”
~Ra Uru Hu