Planet Andrea - Doing Life as Yourself with the Guidance of Human Design
Lifestyle • Science & Tech • Spirituality/Belief
My umbrella brand - Doing Business as Yourself - is about creating personal autonomy through digital income streams, which is heavily supported/guided by a view through the lens of Human Design.

YOUR Human Design.

I also love delicious food, clever memes, chihuahuas & feel dang passionate about free speech. C'mon in and let's see what happens next :)
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Another ridiculously long excerpt from some video transcript - my comment in the image. Digesting.


Ra related -

"No, it's a different process for the projector, because the projector is so deeply conditioned by the environment that they're in, that their only way out as themselves in that environment, to become themselves within that environment, is that they study those beings in their life. They find out how they work. They begin to recognize their traits and their function. They begin to see how to deal with them. They begin to become, what they are, a guide. And remember that the way in which a projector learns about themselves is that they learn about themselves by seeing the proof in others. The projector with a defined ego will only accept what that means when it sees the defined ego in the other and the way it works. And the same is true for any aspect in their design.

You know, they don't affirm it within themselves. They watch it on the outside, because they're here to understand the other. Nobody is ever going to understand you better than a projector ever, no one will ever understand you better than a Projector. You wanna confess or, you want somebody to ask you questions? As a generator, you know, nobody is ever gonna know you better than a projector that's what they're here for. And of course, they're normally really ignorant, you know, because it's so deeply conditioned. They're playing super generator. They're not interested in the other, even though they are interested in the others. So what do they do? You know, they watch television, they go to movies, they, you know, they look at the other that way. But it never becomes what they really are. They're running around under the pressure to know themselves. Know yourself, know yourself. Know yourself, you know, nonsacral beings, you know, following people you know, to learn about themselves.

I mean, what an incredible joke, because that's not who they are. It's not, you know, when you go into the aura of a generator, and that generator is gonna be your teacher. That generator is always gonna tell you to know yourself, what to do. You know, as a projector that is detrimental to your health, you know, all it's doing is reinforcing your not self and your mind is gonna go along the whole trip.

You know, we don't know when enough is enough. No, we're confused. We don't know who we are. But we're gonna keep on looking. We're gonna keep on looking because we have to find who we are, even if we're terribly confused, even if we're not interested. Why are they forcing me to look into myself? Imagine all the people who are nonsacral in this world who are in therapy. Let's look into your problems now, you know, give me a break. I think you have a problem. You know. This is not what they're for. And when you're dealing with projectors, you know, it's crippling for them. You know, the worst thing you can say to a projector is, look at yourself in the mirror. My God, you know, it's like you're trying to kill them. You know, go ahead, look at yourself in the mirror. Go on, look at look what you look like. You know, that's not what they're here for. They don't wanna see that. They don't. I mean, they're not very good at seeing who they are. They're not, you know, that's why they're very confused about what recognition is.

Only when they begin to study the other that they begin to understand why they get recognized in certain ways and what gets recognized in them. You know, they begin to really have their life. And they can only have their life in relationship to the other.
And if they don't have a proper relationship with the other, they don't get a life. They don't. And you see, they don't get this wonderful, instant gratification that's personal. But so what? It's not them. It's not important to them.

If you're a projector the most important thing you can do now is study all those creatures in your life that have been messing you up, and remember, it's not their fault. You know, it's not like you have to punish them or blame them. It's not about saying 'it's you has the emotional system'. Ah, you know, it's not about any of that. It's just about figuring them out. There's a great grace in knowing the other. You see, the moment that you really understand how somebody works. You recognize that they're blameless. That's beautiful.

You see, the generator may have the opportunity for a personal spiritual experience, but a nonsacral being always has the opportunity for the transpersonal spiritual experience, to be able to see the grace in the other, to be able to see the potential in the other, to be able to see the beauty in the other. You know, recognition is something extraordinary. You know, this gift of really being able to see what the other is, and in seeing what the other is, recognizing their helplessness, their helplessness, I can't blame my sister for making me emotional. Ah, well, when you know, wasn't her fault, it's not like there's anything she could have done. Nobody gave her a map then nothing could have stopped her emotional system working the way it did. I can't blame my mother or my father for being what they were. I can't blame my lover for being a jerk, my kids for being annoying. You know what am I gonna do? You can't blame anybody for anything. You can't. You can't. No blame. No fault. There's no choice after all.

Ah, projectors have a chance to see the grace of what life is. They have a chance to see that everybody is helpless. And in recognizing that everybody is helpless, recognizing that in that they can see everyone, and that's what they're here for, to see the other. We're not here alone. We're not. And the basic binary that brings us together is only a step in trying to bring the whole together. Only projectors can have such a vision and such a possibility, because it's only through them that the outside that each and every other can be seen to really see you. You know, when you meet a generator, they're not seeing you. They're waiting to find out who they are. When you meet a projector they're only seeing you, they don't even know they're there. It's very different. It's just different. So if you're a projector and you're gonna start this process, there's only one way in which you can seduce your mind study find out how all this works. Find out how generators work, and manifestors work, and reflectors work. Find out how projectors work, because they're not you, find out how they all work. And then watch, and watch all those beings around you. Watch those people that are so deeply a part of your life, and learn to see them for what they are. Learn to understand how they work.

That's the way for a projector and by the way, while you're good doing all of that, your mind is your greatest ally. You see, your mind is so pleased, so pleased that it hasn't lost its authority. It's delighted. I like this system. This is very good. Alright, let's study Georgie. Let's see how George works, you know? And the mind is like, this is terrific, you know? It gets deeper and deeper and deeper into that. And all of a sudden, that moment comes For every projector when the first real decision arrives, an invitation shows up. It's like, aha, here it is. You know, let's see, ah, the mind, the mind begins to disintegrate in that experience. Nobody gets to shatter their mind, other than projectors. It's something to understand about them. They have a capacity for shattering the mind, the projector mind, you see, you know, the mind is very powerful. It has a deep connection to the not self. Very hard for generators to shatter their minds. And what I mean by that is that that really for the the the mind to completely give up trying to remain in control. I know as a manifestor. And, you know, I'm a long time in this process. I'm 16 years. I'm in my third seven year cycle in this process. And that mind is still there in my life. It's still somewhere in the background. It was never, it was never shattered.

But projectors, they're different. They're really different. That is that the projector has built into them the capacity in which their mind can actually be shocked, in that sense that their mind can really be shattered. It's not an easy thing to describe this process of study, because the projector has no real focus on themselves, that as they go through the period of study, and they're focusing on everybody else, they don't personalize that. They don't personalize that there is a moment that comes for them.

And that moment it comes is a moment in which suddenly their mind realizes that it has been fooled all along, really fooled all along. It's not the way the generator mind immediately gets involved with the generator and is not shattered, but is, you know, little strips of it are taken away. But when you're dealing with the projector mind, it thinks it's in control during that whole early process, somewhere around three and a half years, the shattering can take place when there's critical mass in the transference of the cells, that process of being deeply involved in looking at everything else, looking at everything through the lens of the camera, and all of a sudden the camera turns around and it's on you. And in that moment, the mind is suddenly jump gone. You know, it loses all pretense of ever being in control, ever. The mind in its perfection, is a servant of the life. You know, this is what mind in its perfection is. It's a servant of life. It is the servant of the communication, of the intrinsic value of being. You know, the only people that talk about 'life is good' are people that sanctify war. You know, we have all kinds of, you know, goodness people in the world.

We have all kinds of institutions that claim that the real reward of being a hardworking slave is that you can go to heaven where, it's nice. Yeah, you know, the reward is here. It's in the body. It's in the life. It's not in the afterlife. You know, the crystals of consciousness, like software, you know, when the vehicle is the computer, and when the vehicle is dead, the software doesn't work. You know? It just doesn't. Everything about life is life itself. It's about being here. It's about being informed. This is where the movie is. You want hell, it's right here for most people. You want heaven is here for some. And it is. See, this is not a difficult plane, and it's not a place of suffering. It isn't. It isn't any of those things. The projector the projector is here to recognize, not simply the other, but in recognizing the other as the other, is recognizing the sanctity and the perfection of what life is because it is. And what lies within the gift of any projector is the capacity, ultimately, to be able to guide humanity in such a way is that we all embrace a oneness. That's why they're guides, and that's why it's essential that they study. They're the ones who need to understand how it works. They're the ones who need to understand how things fit together in the puzzle of the world we live in. You know, generators, generators are the great builders. But it's not like they know what to build. They're here to respond. They're here to respond, and build what is correct for them. But where does that come from?

Projectors are here in the world to guide. You know, it is them that can see in the potential of the other a capacity no other can see. All of the roles that we give to guides are roles that belong to the projector they just do. They're the natural managers. That's their gift. And you see, a projector wakes up by recognizing, moment by moment by moment, how everything else works, when the projector truly understands how the other works, their moment will come. It's only about that. And when a projector is finally deconditioned, and when they go through their seven year cycle, when they get to the other side of that, they're to be invited to guide. And they will see that that's all they receive. You know, wherever they look, there will be those that through the aura, and only through the aura will invite them to guide.

So if you're a projector don't look at yourself, look at everybody else. Study them really well and watch to see. See, you're the ones who are my witnesses. Because you're not personal witnesses. You're transpersonal witnesses. You're the ones that see the truth of this, not in yourself, but you see the truth of it in others. It's a way of seeing that it is a universal truth. It is for everyone.

One day, projectors will understand best how to get this knowledge to everyone, because ultimately, that's their gift. In all the years that I've been doing human design, I have never given much attention to projectors. I haven't, my work was with generators. They're more like me. They're easier to understand. They have a quicker opportunity to be able to live out the nature of design, and therefore create, you know, the world of design that exists now, letting people know, so forth, and so on.

When I would do public lectures, you know, the emphasis was on 'go out the door and check it out'. And I knew how unfair that was for projectors. It's a different time now. It's not me as a messenger struggling to get the message out. The message has gone out really well. It's not about that anymore, and it is about providing as many opportunities as possible for the education of projectors. It's something essential. You know, I have an associate, Richard Beaumont, who runs a company called 'Human Design Films', which is filming here, and we're developing a scholarship program for projectors.

You know, they're not born to work, they're born to study. And so we're trying to work out a scholarship program for special projectors so that we can help them go through their process. They're the ones that need to know now. And need to know the truth about what their process is, that it takes time that you get the verification you need by watching the other and seeing the truth of the mechanism. And remember, when I say watching the other, I'm not just talking about watching the other. You know, if you know that somebody's a generator, well, a good projector will try that out. All right, let's see what happens.

'Would you like to call for dinner?' Aha, interesting, you know. But more than that, the projector will ask the generator, 'would you go out'? 'Like to go out for dinner?' And the generator says, 'yes, I'd love to. Let's go.' The projector says, 'hey, wait a minute. Aren't you a generator? I recognize you as a generator. How come you didn't go, aha or ah, ah.' You see, that's what the projector is for their guides. After all, they're guides, you know, in the moment that they are able to recognize the other there of value, they finally find a way to make a living, a legitimate way to make a living as themselves.

(oops ran out of space 🤭 continued below in comments …)

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Carole’s Undefined SP Adventures

@Carizma22 3/5 splenic P, has said yes to sharing this 😍

I love it when I get to be privy to an ‘experiment progress report’ from one of our Locals members.

Wanna celebrate with me? 🥳🤩🙌🏽

This next one is a tale of Carole’s undefined solar plexus adventures, originally posted in a Projector fb group.

Cool witnessing Carole! 🤗

Thread gist in comments (screenshots) and a somewhat messy screen grab video of the video recommended in one of the OP comments she received included below (above?🤓)

And there’s a short video of @BeyondBeautiful and me first talking about “avoiding confront and truth” which includes a story I often have told about John and the very first real time glimpse I saw this undefined solar plexus dealie irl. Can find.

Blew my mind.

I know there are several splenic Authority folks in here, maybe you have stories to share too?

Lindy Lee - Australian Artist

"Some ideas take decades"

This is pretty inspiring. She reckons she's finally finished her apprenticeship at 70 💜

Fun add-on HD irl example - this was shared in Vanessa's group on FB, The Art of Being You by another appreciative group member (thank you Kathrin 🤗), and I first watched it a few hours ago.

I immediately thought what a great share it would be in here 🤩 but it landed pretty quickly on my 'roundtooit list.

Maybe to get shared here, maybe not. Tbh, the hold up was that I didn't really want to share a FB link in here, so I was looking (investigating) around to see if it was on another platform.

Hadn't found it yet.

Then it turns out that @NaimR wasn't able to view it from Canada (someone is blocking it for Canada ? wha?) and she said as much on the thread in Vanessa's group.

And you know what kicks in?

My Design (19/49 and Markets internal in particular), which had me heading this way anyway - at some point ... maybe... but I always get a little boost of focus from ...

The rain that cooled off the end of our day.

There were three roller coasters 🎢 we had on or radar for the last hour before the rides closed.

Wasn’t to be, but we did find this nice place to sit and wait out the deluge that started right after we grabbed a great smoked BBQ supper.

And ooh it cooled everything off perfectly. And gave us some rest before we found our way back to the car (which was parked on the very first row of priority parking 🥳)

Ahhhh nothing to do, so much nothing to do 🥳🥰🍿

Color 1 Determination: Appetite - a song for Alternating/Consecutive PHS folks

This is a post and audio from @BeyondBeautiful - Valerie Montgomery, Self Projected Projector

"I wanted to make this breakfast and found myself rushing.

Now, you might be interested to know I have Alternating Determination, which means I need to do things “One Thing At A Time,” which turns out to be the title of the song I made up to shift the energy of starting to make this breakfast.

I also have an Undefined Root, so it always feels like I need to get rid of the pressure. Also known as feeling rushed to do things.

It would have been lovely to have my cat fix my breakfast, and I had the time, so..

Also being Self Projected my authority comes out through my speaking, or in this case, singing."

Great awareness and share, thank you Valerie!  💜
Color 1 Determination: Appetite - a song for Alternating/Consecutive PHS folks
Make You Feel My Love - A Gate 1 Melancholy & mundane Emotional Wave Story

Not sure that's the right title for this, but it's what came out so I'm rolling with it.

This story began in a FB group. Where many of my stories do.

I can't actually remember the thread or how we ended up in messenger, but the reason we did was because 5/1 Projector with Gate 1 on an undefined G center ... had music of hers to share but hasn't been able to share it so far.

Am still waiting to see if the rest of the story gets shared with me.

So she asked me what sort of music I liked and did I want something more abstract (I think it was) or a vocal cover. I chose vocal cover and she picked this one.

I felt it to my core.

Not sure if part of that was related to some of what she'd already (not intentionally) told me ... 5th line folks can take a lot of patience to draw out - that's been my experience so far anyway.

Some feel interesting enough to spend the energy on :) That's true here.

A kind of sidenote to this is that both my Uranus Opposition (40ish yo) and Chiron (50ish yo) charts carry a 3/5 and it feels like, though I'm not a 5th line - I do sort of get ...

Make You Feel My Love - A Gate 1 Melancholy & mundane Emotional Wave Story

This familiar?

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February 15, 2025

I was shared quite a few links this morning upon waking up,
My emo MG sent me this one; I got to listen to it as I got ready this morning. Love Mary Ann!

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Planetary Placements
& the clues they can offer

Yesterday, @mellijae shared a graphic from 64Keys and it reminded me that there's a hashtag in here for #theplanets

Here's a direct search link -

If you're interested in planetary placements in your chart - those 11 posts are a great place to begin. :)

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by Richard Rudd

"There is one big key to understanding Projectors, and it can only be found by looking at the bigger picture.

We know that statistically, Projectors make up 21% of the population. That means that for every five people, more or less, there is one Projector.

Those are interesting numbers, especially when they are considered within the context of how Gene Pools operate.

There is a mysterious circuit within the Bodygraph that is curiously known as the WA. The WA holds the secret to the choreography of all human gene pools.

One day, when these aspects of Human Design are explored in more depth, we will be able to see how groupings of individual designs come together in the same way as cells bind together to create the organs within our bodies.

For those who baulk at the idea that we have no choice, this is frightening stuff.

The WA shows how different human designs are collectively organised and herded together to perform certain functions within the greater body of humanity.

Imagine then, that humanity is a body like your own body. There are only 4 types of cells, each with their own sub-programming.

At one extreme, you have a small amount of ‘rogue’ cells, independent bodies that are designed to operate outside the loop of the mainframe programming. Ironically however, these manifestor cells are just as dependent upon the whole as any other type. They are simply programmed to appear independent.

At the other extreme, you have a tiny percentage of early-warning cells – these unusual cells have no programming of their own but are designed to take accurate readings of any cellular environment they move through.

In every sub-culture you will find a few of these cells reflecting the health of the local environment. Their role is to warn the overall intelligence of the body of any potential disruptions to the organism. They are called reflector cells.

The bulk of the cellular life of the body (91%) is made up of the two most common kinds of cell – generator cells and projector cells.

These 2 types are designed to interlock with each other. The generator cells collectively create the life of the organism. They are pure energy cells buzzing day and night, maintaining and building the whole.

Projector cells are unique. They have no propulsion of their own, so they drift around on the endless energy currents created by the generator cells.

You might imagine how easy it would be for a projector cell to feel that it had no purpose within the body.

However, each projector cell actually has a very specific purpose (some have more than one), but that purpose can only be realised when certain energy cells (generators) dock in with the projector cell to receive instructions.

Since the projector has no propulsion, it is powerless to initiate this process, but has to allow the generator cells to recognise them and dock in within their own timing. This recognition process takes place through a coded lock and key programme built into these 2 types at birth.

In other words, every projector holds multiple keys that fit an enormous array of locks. When a key does not fit a lock it is very obvious!

Through the knowledge of the WA, we know that the basic genetic unit is 5. These human groupings of mainly generators and projectors are also known as ‘Pentas’.

The nuclear family is a family of five.

Statistically, that is four generators and one projector. As an archetype, the role of this fifth projector is to maintain the stability of the 4 generators.

Right, this next part is where it gets spooky, so hang on to your seats and try and stay with me!…

Just as this fifth projector draws together the 4 generators to form a penta, this penta then takes on a life of its own. It also seeks something greater to dock into, and this is known as an OC16.

Pentas (groups of 5 human beings) seek out another projector, known as an alpha. Alpha projectors naturally dock together with three pentas, making 16 people (including the alpha).

The moment you have 16 people together, you actually have the foundation of an entire gene pool, which then continues to grow exponentially.

Right. I am going to stop there. Whether you were able to follow any of that or not, I am trying to make a point – which is that if you are a projector, you are genetically coded to have others (specifically generators) recognise you and approach you.

This is the foundation of the success of humanity as a species. The projector’s role is pivotal for life to be coherently organised.

But there is a great irony to it all for the projector – which is that there is nothing for them to do until they are recognised.

Every projector knows when the key fits. Every cell in their body lights up.

They also know when it only ‘sort of’ fits.

Those are the critical moments for projectors. If the fit is not perfect, they have to smile sweetly and turn away.

So how long does a projector have to wait? Well, forever.

There is a deep secret for projectors going through their deconditioning – that is, waiting itself transforms the cells.

The relief of not trying to make keys fit when they do not want to fit, releases a huge pressure from the projector’s life.

But it is also clear from my own experience of observing projectors that they are not always able to immediately throw away keys that do not fit.

Sometimes those keys may provide their livelihood, and they have to hold on to them until they find the correct keys to replace them. That takes courage – to wait knowing something is wrong and you are powerless to change it.

I have a vast admiration for any projector going through their deconditioning, and I have also learned that I can never move forward in life without the presence of projectors in key roles around me.

Projectors, if you cannot be patient, there is no hope for any of us…"

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Human Design knows the plan

This is a little outside of my 'care' zone, but can see the things we've trusted faltering. 

I think Human Design is here to offer  people awareness to be able to weather what would otherwise feel like impossibly stormy times.

Lucky us 🤗

Also, what a cool picture Chaitanya found 😍

- A

"The knowledge was given so that human beings could be equipped to live in an age in which there was nothing they could trust.

This is what the Cross of Planning has brought us. It’s brought us an age of, within reason, trust. 

That the trains will run on time, that the electricity will be there, that all of those things will work, that our children will have teachers in their schools, that the garbage will be picked up and on and on and on.

All the things that the Cross of Planning has brought us, the institutionalization of science and the spreading of all kinds of technologies that enhance the potential for the increase in human population, the increase in the potential of the gene pool, the increase in the potential for the unusual, the mutative.

Human Design is not about the time of the Cross of Planning. Human Design knows the plan. It’s not about that at all. It's about bringing the possibility of the richness of life to the next generation. 

If the stellar family teaches us anything it’s that even the gods, even the remotest forces in the stream are concerned about the generations and the movement of information. 

There are certain stars in the sky that could not exist until other stars had died. The fact that human beings and certain brain functions, elements in our brain, that can only exist after the death of stars, we are so deeply connected to them. We live very close to one. That is our shelter and our light."

- Ra Uru Hu

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