Massively long transcript, crammed with quotables and ‘you know’ 😀
I think I may feel a Canva session coming on 🤔
Is there a particular line that stands out for you?
I can put one that jumped out at me in the comments.
Oleksander Vasin shared -
“Delicious Ra-ness :
« You see, love is not about bodies. It isn't. Love is about consciousness. It's about awareness. There is something so absolutely beautiful when awareness meets awareness. And you know, this is something that is so extraordinary. See, each and every one of us is endowed with the potential for outer authority. And in that outer authority, this is not a cliche, this is not homogenized. This is not sameness. We each have a unique potential for outer authority. It's that unique potential about or authority that is so sexy in that sense. »
« You know, one of the most extraordinary things about the nature of our design is the throat center. You know, this is what we're all about. This is what really makes us so different from any other species, the complexity and the potential that we have in being able to articulate and communicate with the other.
And it's not about saying the same things over and over again, you know, English has 2 million words in its vocabulary. And the average human being has a vocabulary that they use actively of about 150 words. I mean, when you think about that, you you, you understand what sameness is, how deeply limited that is to constantly say, like, and nice, and, you know, whatever the case may be, you know, it is an enormous limitation.
And it speaks so deeply about, you know, what the homogenized consciousness is all about. It's no wonder that, you know, love has been lost underneath the power of the sexual drive, because communion simply doesn't exist. You know, why partners don't end up in the homogenized world saying, you know, « you never talked to me », or « you never tell me things » or, you know, all of that kind of stuff, then it goes on and on and on. You know, because there is no true communion. It doesn't exist.
You know, one of the most extraordinary things in in, in human design is Variable. Variable lays out what is the, the potential of what is our, our, our awareness order, in that sense on this plane, it is what we're here for. We are here for awareness, we are here to be aware, as nine centered beings, we're not here to be obsessed with our survival. You know, the survival is so easy if you trust your strategy and authority. After all, we're in a form principle operating on the form plane, you know, strategy and authority is the mechanics of the form principle. If you trust your strategy and authority, you know, it will move you through this plane, this material plane, and provide you for what is correct for you. You know, and as long as you can surrender to that, you can open up the possibility of being aware.
And then you can discover love, first love for yourself, for yourself. You know, as long as your mind is busy trying to create who you are, you never get to see who you are. The moment that you surrender to your form principle, you get to see what kind of package you were dropped into. You get to see its potential and in that potential, you get to see its beauty.
After all, these forms are incredible. They're absolutely incredible. And if you allow them to operate correctly, you know if you allow inner authority to be the guide in the process, you free your mind. You know, mind is such a distortion when it's trying to control the life and so incredibly beautiful when it doesn't. And this is where love is. It's in seeing the beauty that you are in understanding that there is nothing like you because this is what uniqueness is, at the same time out of your outer authority, being able to express that uniqueness. It's sharing that expression of uniqueness that binds us in love.
You know, this is what touches us, this is what brings you know tears to the eyes. This is what is so beautiful when human being beings can meet together at the awareness level, this is what is so deep and so transcended. It has nothing to do with the physical, nothing, nothing that has everything, everything to do with our magnificent awarenesses and unique awareness. You know, I've been doing this a very, very long time. And I constantly wait for those expressions of unique awareness. Because it it makes it all worthwhile. Because this is what it's about each being finally being able to release its aspect of consciousness, we are missing so many ingredients in the consciousness for you, right now, the consciousness field is nothing more than you know, homogenized, repeated sameness.
And there is so much magic that is not there. All of these beings that are patterning themselves after, you know what their culture and education determines for them, instead of operating according to what is their nature and out of that expressing their uniqueness.
If there's no expression of uniqueness, we no longer have, you know, a consciousness field that is going to grow and is going to be transcendent. So we have two things at work here. A sexuality that, in essence, is deeply, deeply limited. Something that belongs quite specifically to the generative forces on this plane, and has nothing to do with love in that sense.
I mean, the love that everybody talks about the love that everybody is familiar with, in the world that we live in, you know, this, this is just dependency. I mean, it's just dependency and conditioning, it isn't anything else. It is the surrendering of authority. It's surrendering to conditioning. You know, the most common thought if it doesn't become a question is, you know, why does this person even love me? You know, « why do you love me? » You know, I mean, all of that is just nonsense. You know, it is just simply dependencies, and giving up authority. It's not what love is about. It isn't. It isn't.
It has nothing to do in that sense with the body itself. It is about awareness. And it's about communion. We're here to commune with each other. You know, and it's not a one way street. It's not like here in this lecture. You know, it's not, it is something that we're here to share with each other, that we're here to enlighten each other, that every single being has that potential to enlighten the other, to enlighten them with their unique awareness, because there's nothing like nothing like that it's magic. You know, these are the ingredients that make up the totality that is the consciousness of people.
And right now, you know, there's small little sparks that exist in this huge, massive soup of the mundane. It's time for change. You know, one of the things that the new cycle is going to bring, you know, is that it's going to bring a break down of the way in which, you know, these themes have have been held together, that is going to open up the possibility because of the advent of this knowledge that more and more human beings are going to be able to survive in the future, because they trust fully in their form principle. And it will allow them to find a unique communion with the other. We're here to find love through awareness. It is what's so magical about us. It's what's so special about us. I wish that for all of you.”
Source : Sex, love and the true self audio transcript
Thanks Laeticia Phantastic