Rose Osman shared -
“We just enter the Perversion.
Do you know there is no exaltation for Gate 58.2 - Perversion?
Ra admit he made mistake to name them exaltation and detriment because both doesn't represent good or bad to every gates.
In fact, detriment can be a beautiful expression to have. Ra himself love Perversion as he said this is the only collective gate and line that act like individual.
For Gate 58.2 it says...
A GENIUS for perverse stimulation.
But why it is called Perversion?
Gate 58 is a collective gate and it is design to share its energy and judgement that would perfect the vitality of life as a human species. This is the energy for correction, and a fuel to challenge the authority and unnatural patterns.
But in 2nd line, you get those geniuses that say "leave me alone, I only share my energy with selective people". 2nd line people don't open up to everyone. They are designed to be selective and picky, particularly for Gate 58 & 52. They restrain their energy and not simply sharing it with everyone. Not everyone will get access to their energy, stimulation and laughter. That's how they protect themselves.
But do the collective leave this geniuses alone? Nope! People always look at 2nd line from the outside and see what these geniuses do in their natural habitat. They see the energy that can be use for the benefit of collective but it is kept only for selective people. Hence the collective judge 2nd line genius as perverse.
I'm seeing this expression comes natural to me these days. I become less interested in fixing the collective despite my collective nature. There were numbers of invitations I have turned down because my Splenic body did not open up for it. No choice! That's what perverse genius do...they only spend their joyous precious energy on themselves and people who have the same taste for the stimulation.
Nevertheless, I'm not sniffing shoes, if you get the joke 😉”