A tale of two sessions booked - the difference between direct recognition ... and not - for me.
So you already know, I occasionally do sessions for people outside of the Planet Andrea ecosystem. Very occasionally mind you, and at some point - I'm guessing I won't be available for that.
Meanwhile, occasionally people find their way to my inbox. And we say yes to each other.
But ... and this is a big fat BUT ... the difference between them arriving pre-sold and arriving via a referral.... is huge.
One is arriving with pre-recognition, doesn't need hardly any (if any) selling at all. They know they want my eyeballs and ears on their chart and personal story details. And it's mostly a matter of them satisfying that I am who I seem to be on video or whatever.
The other is arriving with what feels to me like second-hand recognition - referrals might be a good thing for 4th line folks, but omgoodness are they extra work for me. Not even unpleasant, just lots of extra work.
So let me explain with 2 recent people - both who are now pre-paid.
Here's how one arrived (today):
"Hi, dear Andrea!
I've come across your profile through the projector's page but I've seen some videos of yours on YouTube, too, recently which I liked a lot, so I'm happy to find you again on the list of trusted analysts.
I don't know human design for very long. It's about half a year that I've begun to study it.
I've learned so much already and got confirmation and insights on the reason of my success and failures in my life of a projector being.
Of course I want to get a reading in order to receive more clarity about all my features and guidance of someone more expert in experimenting this knowledge but I haven't been lucky in finding someone until this day.
Two analysts I have written to quite some time ago, have not responded, so I hope the third time will be the good one and you might be willing to help me out.
For today I send you nice greetings to England and wish you a pleasant day!"
> I pointed her to a couple more videos (she'd just read the thread for 'analysts' in the Projector Page group - I could tell because FB told me about the 💜)
> Made her an extended chart.
> Chatted a little more, asked if she wanted to sleep on it - she said no.
> I sent her her variables video to be primed with and said - let me know when you've watched that and we can go from there.
> all happy.
> Effortless, effortless, effortless.
And here's one that started on Dec 2 -
"A friend of mine shared HD with me.
I am an emotional projector according to my chart but I don’t understand other than I see some of this in my experience.
She suggested I reach out to you regarding reading my chart with me.
I would appreciate some insight."
> Took him some time to pay, okay fine emo Authority.
> very little (or perhaps none) in the way of personal details (remember, people practically 'vomiting' all their stuff on my inbox, is pretty ideal for my Design)
> We still haven't had a zoom ... what we have had is three 'reschedules'. 🤓
> Now I'm telling him - don't tell me what day, just message me any day you're ready - two hours ahead - and I can tell you if that's possible. We shall see what happens next.
One thing that's maybe good to note - the today one has a lot of defined centers (7), one of which is ego (sacral is undefined and G is open) - and I could see that she was clear on the value at hand.
This other guy - has 7 undefined centers (root and solarplexus are defined), is 22 years older and also has Gate 64 (the Gate of Confusion) just waiting for activation at any given moment - 4 times! ... which is fine, once aware ... but honestly, I think it's his undefined ego that I may get to show him first and foremost ... if I ever get that opportunity :)
Seems like a pleasant enough person - just does not have the same "I'm ready and excited to talk to Andrea" flavor AT ALL.
So yeah, referrals and me ... at least the ones that get sent to me directly .... bleh. And it's always a 4th line person who wants to do that 😅 ... in this case it was a 4/6 Self P gal who's already been a happy customer - so I rolled with it.
Same transaction (a notself session), completely different experience.
One day I'll learn - maybe 😆😄
PS. I discovered this meme on the today gal's timeline after the fact ... umm YAH we gonna have fun <3