Koen’s Ra Quote of the day
"We are conditioned to learn love from the other, from the Mother and the Father, from the lover and the child. In this way we are conditioned to seek love from others in order to FEEL loved.
The not-self does not love itself.
In not having it within oneself, it becomes a commodity. Something of value worth seeking, suffering, and longing for.
A commodity which defines most beings lives.
The measuring of love.
The externalization of love: 'He loves me. I love him', 'I don't love him enough', 'He doesn't love me enough', 'I wish he loved me more and on and on.
None of the above is about love.
It is more about fear in aloneness.
In an aloneness void of self-love, driven by inadequacy and insecurity.
You see, if you're correct, where you will find love is where love is correct in you, the mechanisms for love that are correct in you.
We're a totality; there are all kinds of variations.
There are people who will know nothing but this deep, empty yearning, because their gates of love are in open centers and it seems like it's always the other and they're always totally absorbed, and they get lost in them, and then love is taken away and they go through this deep pain.
It's everything.
The moment that you can see love for what it is, you can really be with someone. I mean you can really be with somebody.
It's not like you're being with somebody who's a potential that you're going to work on, that maybe this will get better or that will change, and so on.
You can really be with someone because the love is correct.
It's like everything else about Design. Design is here to strip away the generalizations that torture us, that we somehow have to be exactly the way Hollywood does it, or whatever.
Each of us is unique in our capacity for love, and we all have it.
The moment that you're living out your nature, you get to experience your capacity for love.
That's something very special."
~Ra Uru Hu