The more you practice, the more you use your strategy you begin to see there’s a momentum toward what it is to be you.
"The Not-self is merciless, merciless. We don’t live out in our minds who we are, we don’t. The mind is just the spokesperson for the Not-self.
You begin to see how we’re designed and there is so much Not-self in everybody.
The mind is linked to the Not-self, the mind is linked to what’s different, the mind is not here to support you. If you don’t train it, if you don’t put it in its right place, it’s going to torment you for the rest of your life.
It’s not like anyone can say to their mind, ‘OK, now back off.’ You know, ‘Stop being a spokesperson for my Not-self.’ My mind still does that.
The only thing that’s different is that it used to be big billboards but now I get a small ticker tape that goes by. But it’s still there, we’re human, this is what we connect to.
All those open areas you have to recognize, this is our world. We’re designed to connect to the world, we have receptors to connect to the world, and we’re not here to ignore that, we’re not.
We’re here to meet what those receptors are designed to take in but not to be overwhelmed by them, not to become them. But ultimately to be able to communicate with them.
Everybody has a story, everybody has a mythology they’re here to live out. It’s not fuzzy, and it’s not make-believe, or any of that stuff.
It’s ordinary when you’re there, and you’re surprised nobody else notices that its ordinary. If I thought for a moment that to be awake was special, I would never be involved with any of this.
It’s ordinary, it’s not something you have to pray for, it’s a mechanical thing that anybody can get, that any child can get, that any human being can benefit from.
I don’t know if any of you are going to wake up, it’s not my point anyway. What I do know, is that the moment you take this knowledge in and the moment you practice this knowledge, even if it’s on and off, it takes an enormous burden away from your life, it makes things a lot easier.
It’s a lot easier to understand your nature and what really works for you.
The more you practice, the more you use your strategy you begin to see there’s a momentum toward what it is to be you.
Because you don’t really know who you are and you don’t really know why you’re here."
~Ra Uru Hu