This is perhaps one of the trickiest pieces of the Projector puzzle to find a groove with.
So many of us have been programmed to be Generators, we don't even know how to stop being that, how to negotiate and navigate the world by not being paid for "being productive"
"Why would anyone pay me if I haven't 'done' anything"
Maybe you even have difficulty receiving money that you haven't "worked" for.
It's a dilemma to be sure having this frame of reference... which is basically about Value. A generator's definition of what's valuable.
I'm not suggesting here that people who ultimately pay Projectors [recognize with money or in some other tangible and useful way], don't receive value in exchange ...
I'm suggesting that we don't have a grasp of the value that we can bring to the other, when we're living as ourselves.
We really can't begin to fathom it.
Not at first anyway ...
Koen's Ra Quote of the day
"There is nothing more dangerous for Projectors than being exhausted.
You're not here to work. You're not.
👉🏼 You’re here to think.
👉🏼 You’re here to see.
👉🏼 You are here to express an Outer Authority that provides guidance.
👉🏼 You're here to organize energy.
👉🏼 You are here to guide energy.
👉🏼 And you're here to get rewarded for that.
You're not here to be the worker. You're not.
This is the thing that comes to a Non-sacral being. It's like, ‘Whoa, I didn't come here to work.'
You didn't come here to work. You didn't come here to be a [physical] slave on the material plane. You did not.
You did not come here to be burdened by the ordeal of work. Getting up in the morning, all of those horrendous things that you have to do.
Waiting for a paycheck. Seeing that most of it is then taken by some government somewhere.
This is horror for Projectors, I mean horror for Projectors."
~Ra Uru Hu