“This thing that you take so personally, your mind, your life, who you are, who you think you should be, all that stuff, it’s just a mechanism.
There’s no need to suffer over that. You’re not responsible for it. You’re not.
It’s really something to understand about what it is to be us, how messed up we are because we’re constantly interfering with what is so perfectly natural.
But it’s magical when all of that simply operates on its own.
✨The moment I stopped controlling what my life was going to be is the moment that I got my life. ✨
All of these things, your cross, your profile, your “this,” your “that,” everybody thinks you’ve got to get that. You don’t.
It takes you if you let it, because that’s what you are. It’s who you are.
If you follow your strategy and authority you’re going to get what’s correct for you. You may not like what that is mentally, the mind being notself.
“Oh, I wanted more. I thought I was going to be enlightened and sit on a mountain and glow. I thought this meant more. I thought it was going to mean more,” because you had no idea what it was in the first place.
To be aware should be “normal.” This is not an exalted state. It isn’t.This is part of the problem. The moment that the mind builds it up into some kind of enormous, incredible, exalted state, wow - it’s so nobody feels really bad that they don’t get there. But it’s normal. Being aware is normal.
If your mind isn’t involved in trying to control your life you actually become intelligent.
👉🏼 Mind isn’t for turning off. It’s for aligning. We have great minds. They’re beautiful things. The mind is not there to be your enemy for life. It’s here to serve. It’s here to express you. This is our medium for expression to each other.
The reality is when you get to see how you’re designed to experience life in such a unique way, it’s clear that nobody else can represent that experience but you. Who else is going to share that experience?
But you don’t get to express your unique awareness if you’re conditioned, because you’re afraid of what people will say. Or you change the way you think in order not to create problems. Or you refuse to get into an argument that you know is going to lead to problems, so you just back away from your principles. This is what people do. This is mind. If you let mind do that you’ll never be aware. You can only be caught up in your trip; nothing else.
This cannot be another kind or variation of tourism, because so much of the spiritual world is, it’s just tourism. You visit this and you visit that and you try this and you do 37 different kinds of yoga and you go to 19 different masters, blah, blah, blah, and on and on and on.
This is not about tourism. It’s the whole thing about human design. It’s real. It’s a mechanical way to transcend what it is to live on this plane. That’s what it’s all about. And there you get to live passenger consciousness. There you get to see the beauty of you.”