Gate 14 is in the Air (till the 21st apparently)
"The Chinese were very, very careful with the language and description of these gates, these hexagrams. This description, possession in great measure, it is infinite what is possible out of the 14.
Again, you’re dealing with the purest and most powerful generative force. There’s nothing like it.
It doesn't matter where you look, you can go across like this and look at the 27/59 or you can look at the 3 in its relationship to the 60, or you can think about the power inherent in the 34, nobody has possession in great measure.
The 14 and the potential of the 14 as a generating force, its treasure is limitless. This is the cornucopia.
This is the place where you keep on digging in and keep on pulling out and there's still more. And no matter how much you take out there’s still more.
This is the potential that’s there in the 14, but only, only, only if there is a plan. No plan, no place to go, no place to spend.
And the most interesting thing about 14s when you see them in life is that generally the 14 when there is no plan they are the tightest people. And I mean tight in the monetary sense.
You would never think that they were an unlimited treasure. You just wouldn’t. It doesn’t look like an unlimited treasure.
They’re the ones that will have nails in their wallets. They can be very tight, because if there's no plan, then this does not become the endless flowing cornucopia.
So, it's interesting. The 14 doesn't have a power base, but is deeply, deeply dependent on the 2 and its power base, because if they don't come up with a plan, then the 14 isn't going to live its exalted possession in great measure, which is what it's really all about."