Imagine Gate 2 + and undefined root. Oh wait … some of us don’t have to imagine that … ‘cause … living it! 😄
"The 2nd gate is the gate of the driver. And it is part of the Sphinx, and it is the heart of the Sphinx. It moves us, it points us towards the way. And at the deepest level what the 2nd gate recognises is that the direction of life is death. Period.
After all, the one thing that the magnetic monopole wants is to finally get to the point of death so that it can reunite with the Design crystal and rediscover love.
So, one of the things to recognise about the 2nd gate is that the 2nd gate very clearly recognises that we are terminal. And the result of that is that what the 2nd gate wants most of all, in that sense, is that it wants everything to speed up.
In other words it wants things to happen quickly. There isn’t a lot of time. This is the instant gratification melancholy.
In other words “I want it all to happen right now. I want to get it done.”
“I want to get it over with. Let me get to the next thing”.
And these are people that want to race. And the moment that things don’t work that way… That was one of the real signs for myself in my own process was the moment I discovered – and I’m an Arien Manifestor – that it is only going to take place at the pace that it does.
No matter what I think, want, need, or whatever. And, of course, that always was a source of melancholy and depression for me; I wanted everything to move quickly.
You know, “There’s not a lot of time. I won’t waste my time over here in this part of my life. Let me get on to the next part”. And on and on.
These are people that say “Oh, it’s a seven year cycle? I don’t have time for that. I want it to go faster”.
So, its one of the things to recognise that built into all 2nd gates, all of those 2nd gates can easily become melancholic when it seems that everything is slowing down, and nothing is moving fast enough.
These are people that want to become a doctor, but they can’t do more than six months at the university. The idea that they’re going to do another five or six years …
This is one of the main driving forces in this recognition that it’s terminal.
So, again, the obvious melancholy in that, that things are not moving fast enough, and these people can then end up doing things that are very silly.
Trying to speed up processes that are not intended to be speeded up. So you can become a Yoga Master now in three days!
They have speed-up courses for everybody. I don’t want to be a student of that master, but nonetheless…!
And all of this is 2nd gate stuff. All of this is stuff that’s saying “OK. Life is really short. Let’s get this over with. Let’s get on to the next thing”.
This is the Tantric Channel. You get the joke? This is where the quickie was invented! Let’s get it done."