What is Marketing? (Meme Collection 1)
What even IS marketing??
And what's possible when you're also in your Human Design experiment?
Some would say that any 'marketing' is impossible when experimenting in Human Design.
I think three things about that -
1. isn't that up to the experimenter to experiment with?
2. is is possible that people who have experienced one kind of marketing, haven't experienced all the ways one can
3. how do we know we're even talking about the same thing??
Luckily, we each have our own 'yes it's for me' or 'no it's not' decision making tool built in.
And once we know our Designs well enough, we can also have a clue whether certain types of marketing are maybe more suited than others.
Right minded? Yeah maybe spreadsheets and tracking that accompany Paid Advertising (done well) are worse than going to get a root canal would be for you.
Undefined Will Center? Could be you're under pressure you don't even recognize yet that comes with making promises to meet people in person at a particular time.
Have an undefined Sacral Center? Trying to "keep up" with the sacral-defined folks ... basically a death sentence. Really. No joke.
5th line profile? Maybe you'd be amazing on stage with a room of strangers but things can get dicey when people think they know you.
Undefined Solar Plexus? Saying yes or tolerating things so you can avoid confrontation ... UNhealthy ... also can bring anger, frustration and bitterness. Not to mention all that energy and Mind time that can be squandered vs. having clarity of self and communicating that to the people you would be attracting.
Transparency can be refreshing ... not to mention, very magnetic.
The scenarios go on.
But the point I'm trying to make here is - marketing can look so many different ways. Assuming you know what it is before you actually know...
... Could be a loss of genuine opportunity.
Assumptions be like that.
Do you remember that breakdown of the word Assume - I heard it in elementary school first I think.
"Never assume ... it just makes an
Ass [of]
U [&]
You familiar with the idea of there being an opportunity cost to most everything?
Here's a quickie definition from Wikipedia:
"In microeconomic theory, opportunity cost, or alternative cost, is the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one particular alternative is chosen over the others. In simple terms, opportunity cost is the loss of the benefit that could have been enjoyed had a given choice not been made."
The opportunity cost of not discovering ways to communicate & share (market) your message, knowledge, point of view... in line with your Design...
'Cause we do want to have both - marketing without considering Design and Design without mechanisms and skills to show up in a way that others can recognize you are for them (so you can deliver your Outer Authority)...
Could be a huge opportunity cost indeed, eh?
Now I'll be the first to admit that nothing is for everyone, but for the people who learning to get what they bring into containers (offers) where people can transact once they recognize it's a yes for them...
that can become a Win/Win for all concerned.
That's the key - to always find the win/win position.
Marketing to me is BEing front of mind with your thing (or yourself) so that you can ultimately serve others.
It helps A TON to have a clue about what your offer is, or to be able to craft them on the fly (it's possible to come to that - takes mechanical offer crafting practice first methinks)
So this quote from Lorenzo - that I heard in Day 5 of the High Ticket Affiliate Pipeline Challenge, is on point.
But there are also other "what is marketing" type quotes that can also be true.
Maybe you've seen one or would like to make a Canva of one and would like to post it in the comments.
If you picked up the Marketing Book by Seth Godin that I recommend from time to time, I'm sure he has some clear and succinct possibilities for this collection. :)
What is marketing to you? 🤔 🤗