The Four Quarters - Quarter 1 of Initiation
Koen’s Ra Quote of the Day (let’s see if he delivers all 4, if not, maybe I dig them up :) )
Are you from the quarter of initiation? This is determined by finding your Personality Sun (the top black gate on your chart) on the mandala.
The particular Quarter is listed on the most interior ring on the second image below -
1. Initiation - Purpose fulfilled through Mind (this is me)
2. Civilization - Purpose fulfilled through Form
3. Duality - Purpose fulfilled through Bonding
4. Mutation - Purpose fulfilled through transformation
Now here’s Ra:
Quarter of Initiation
“So here I am, a Sun in 51 in this Quarter of Initiation and my purpose is fulfilled through mind.
So here I am with my mental teaching as an archetype. In other words, when you‘re looking at this larger thematic you see something very important.
Remember, incarnation is about purpose. What we‘re trying to show you is the costume of fulfilling your purpose, how it‘s going to look if you‘re correct, that you live out your design, that you follow your strategy.
And as long as you‘re doing that, slowly the costume begins to fit and then you get to see that if you come in on that first Quarter, if that costume really fits you, that purpose of yours gets fulfilled through mind. The mental plane means everything.
Now, think about your Cross and think about the fact that because the Cross is determined in the way in which it operates through the Personality Sun, it means that the purpose being fulfilled through mind is at the expense of it being fulfilled through form, through any of the other possibilities that are there.
This is really the final stage of surrender; to recognize the real limitation and the real limitation is I cannot be fulfilled through form.
I can remember in the early years everybody saying to me, ―Come on, build a school, build a school, build a school; physically build one.
I‘m not fulfilled through form.
It‘s not the building of the school that was going to concretize Human Design. My purpose would not have been fulfilled through that. My purpose is fulfilled through mind.
And somebody else, somewhere down the road, they‘ll build the buildings, they‘ll build the form, and they‘ll be Civilization people whose purpose is only fulfilled through form.
The guy that builds the clinic where great things can save people, who could never go to medical school because he was too dumb, but he made a lot of money.
And he gets to fulfill himself not through mind; he doesn‘t get to be the great doctor that saves the life.
He gets to fulfill himself through the form. He builds the clinic. And if he‘s still jealous that he‘s not the doctor he‘s not surrendered and his game is over.
Then you get to see when you look at this keynote of this Quarter you get this magical insight into what purpose is about.
We only have these four general themes of purpose. The rest of it is all just little nuances. I actually just toot that there‘s mind. ―The mind‘s the answer.‖ Toot, toot.
And there are all those other hexagrams and all those other lines in their Crosses out of those 16 that all fulfill that whole process of mind. And all that purpose fulfilled through mind ultimately is mind. It is the global mind. It is the consciousness of the totality and so forth and so on.
And then you get to see who you work for in life.
Some of us work for mental forces and some of us work for form forces and so forth and so on and you go around and you begin to see, aha, and you begin to see this incredible—I love seeing perfect patterns.
It‘s so incredible to think of the density and complexity of existence, just the complexity of an amoeba, let alone a person, how incredible all this is.
Ok, so we start with Initiation. We see this as purpose fulfilled through mind. And mystically, this is: The witness returns.
In other words, the whole business of Personality consciousness is that we incarnate, that we do return and we return as passengers to witness our process again; or to witness the process again, whatever it happens to be.
We will all incarnate through different Quarters. In other words, it‘s not like we‘re going to be restricted.
Remember, the only thing that a Personality Crystal repeats endlessly is Base. And it only repeats Base as long as we‘re in this form, in this matrix. In other words, this is a consistent element in the Personality Crystal.
However, we will incarnate through the different Quarters. That‘s part of our learning process, to go through this larger theme of what this wheel represents.
So, this Quarter of Initiation, the witness returning, here is the responsibility for consciousness.
It isn‘t to say that the other Quarters don‘t participate in consciousness. Obviously they do through the arms of the Crosses and so forth and so on.
But the reality is that if you‘re looking at this as a corporation and you‘re looking at basic divisions in that corporation, that Initiation, that division is only responsible for consciousness.
They are the mind game and they are the witness. They are the ones who must return. And who must return and explore at the next level in the spiral, explore at the next level what it is to be in this incredible mutative vehicle of ours, in this whole environment and everything else.
Then you get to see the magic of the first 16 hexagrams.
If you‘ve got your Sun in one of those 16 hexagrams, you now have a way of recognizing why you‘re here.
In other words, recognizing why you‘re here in the sense that you finally have a way of seeing where purpose actually is for you.
That purpose for you is only going to be fulfilled when you achieve clarity on the mental plane.
And that clarity is relative. It‘s relative to what any of those gates happen to be and what the line happens to be. And how it‘s going to come to you is going to be according to your frequency, your type, your authority.
You‘ve got all of these elements that get layered on top of it. That‘s why it‘s so important in the background to know this.
So I was groomed to wear a mental costume; to be well educated, to go through that whole process, all of that about fine tuning the mind; that I come in with an eclectic intellectual father. All of this stuff.
You just get it all built in. It‘s all around you; but, the not-self doesn‘t get it.
I may have come in, in this Quarter where the purpose is fulfilled through mind, but I‘ve got an unconscious mind in my bodygraph.
My Personality doesn‘t think of myself as a thinker and all I wanted to do was take drugs, fuck and listen to music.
And I didn‘t think that the mind was going to do anything for me. I was already smart, and that didn‘t help. And it was clear to me that I didn‘t want to be fulfilled through mind. I was very happy not talking to anybody. And I‘m a Clarion.
All of this is just what the not-self is. The not-self is so deeply distorting.
And the only advantage we have, truly, is that we belong to an organization that does not fire us because we‘re dumb. We‘re really lucky.
All of these departments function really badly. They‘re very inefficient. The managers, all of them, all have problems. So, it‘s not like we get fired. So I could live my whole life like that.
In the Personnel Department they‘re going, ―Yeah, send it back. Put him in another one. Let‘s see what happens this time.
The not-self is so destructive. It does take you away from the real joy of what you‘re here for. I know what I‘m here for. I fulfill my purpose, it‘s correct, this is my incarnation, and this is what it‘s all about.”
-Ra Uru hu