"I am deeply saddened by the lack of self-love in human beings, by the lack of surrender, by the lack of acceptance, by the lack of grace. It is something that astonishes me.
I see it more and more every day of my life, and I don’t like it. I’m not very social by nature and I find it quite uncomfortable.
It is this deep lack of love within the being that if you do not find that love within yourself, you find everything that’s wrong with the world, everything that’s wrong with the other, and everything that’s not right.
It’s a liberation, a true liberation to find love. Not your neighbor, not God. Your Self.
I’m a freak. I’m a pure individual. What I love more than anything else is me. More than anything else. More than my blood. More than my children. More than the world. More than anything else, I love being me. And that’s not a vanity. It is a wonder of what it is to simply be. I love being.
It's about the love inside of you, so that you can love being you. That you can embrace the beauty, the perfection, the glory, the wonder, all of those things of what it is to be you, by embracing the love that is within you. This is the magic of being yourself."
Ra Uru Hu