I couldn’t agree with this more. But also, though I hear him possibly suggesting via the word “stuck” that you have to get away/ break bonds (in a permanent way - maybe I read more into it than is there, who knows) …
But let’s remember he was neither a 3rd line or emotionally defined … so he didn’t have any nuance around breaking bonds (that it doesn’t always indicate a ‘permanent solution’ - I think I just recognized that difference of understanding could be profile related)
And that undefined solarplexus - well we already know, it comes with a “conflict averse” pressure, regardless of how aware one may become. Same as any Center, the pressure doesn’t disappear, we just become aware to not give our Mind agency over the Notself part.
So yes we need the tools to be able to disengage. But for how long remains an Inner Authority matter.
I ”break bonds” with my husband (and also see this with all the animals, my kids seem to roll with it with the least melodrama) sometimes multiple times a day.
And the example Ra used here - is my Motivation/Transference … when people become “Needy” for me it’s a signal to wait till they regain their equilibrium.
And sometimes, asking what they’re afraid of is exactly the perfect jolt back to correctness (with me) … if they need hugs and petting - they go somewhere else for that.
I guess my point here is, enter correctly and transference can still be a thing that ebbs and flows.
Now if someone is Needy right off the bat, or I feel that way myself … that’s a different story entirely.
“Think about the Projector process for a moment. Without awareness the Projector runs into dilemmas.
We talk, for example, about what’s important for the Projector on the surface. Like everybody else, it is strategy and authority. In many ways, emotional Projectors are probably the most advantaged of all Projectors when it comes to being able to discern. Because of their emotional system and their feelings they often have the ability to actually read things.
But the thing to recognize about the Projector is that when it comes to the other, when the other says, “Would you like to work with me, make love with me?,” whatever the circumstance happens to be and the Projector is correct in the way in which they react to that invitation, it’s not like they have to get that invitation day after day after day afterwards. They don’t, they don’t. They don’t at all. And yet, that doesn’t mean that the circumstances and conditions in which they entered remain the same. They don’t.
It’s always the risk for the Projector. Nobody is more trusting. It’s a funny thing, in the genetic sense. When a Projector agrees to enter into anything with an energy type, they really trust the energy type to be consistent. It’s the thing that’s so fascinating. So, for example, you enter in as a Projector correctly into a relationship with somebody that’s personal and intimate. Then you notice after a number of years that things have changed. And in noticing that things have changed, the Projector gets trapped. They get trapped because they live off, in that sense, the energy field that they’re taking in. It’s a deep connection.
So, they need tools, tools that allow them to discern better. And this all fits into what are the needs of the Projector. It’s why, for example, Rave Psychology is about offering at its primary level Color Transference analysis; to give the Projector tools that it needs so that after it has entered into something correctly, it can watch the movie, that it can make sure that it’s staying consistent so that they can operate correctly and that the bargain, or whatever it is they’ve entered into continues to operate correctly.
The dilemma for the Projector with the open Spleen is that they will tend to hold on to what isn’t good for them, and even though things change, won’t do anything about it. Projectors are great at going downhill with their partners. Just simply being dragged down the drain with their partners and not being able to cut themselves loose.
So, it is discernment tools that we offer at this level for a Projector. It’s actually a different approach from the one we use for the Generator where it’s all about just keeping looking in deeper and deeper and deeper to understand the mapping. But for the Projector there is always this point outwards to give them the tools that they need and to point their vision outwards in order to heal themselves. What Color Transference does for the Projector is that it allows it to stay in touch with the frequency of those that it’s dependent on. And it can tell when the frequency changes.
If you’re a 1st Color and you’ve entered into an arrangement correctly and you discover a couple of years later that your partner has suddenly become very needy and wants you to get caught up in that need, you know right away that something has gone wrong and it’s time for reassessment. In essence it’s time for a new invitation to see whether or not this is something that is worthy of continuing.
When we’re dealing with the Projector at this level what we want to be able to provide them with is very sophisticated tools that fill in the strategic gaps between accepting an invitation and when or when not the time has run out on whatever that was about. In other words, to keep them fixed to what is their true Color and their true nature.”
Photo credit: Koen