Investigation - 4/1 and 5/1style
Koen’s Ra Quote of the day
The investigator is a personal thing, it’s an individual thing.
“It is different when it's the body, the 4/1s, the 5/1s, these 1 bodies, these are bodies that are fearful.
These are bodies that like solid ground. They’re different.
They are bodies that are always looking for a secure position, a defensible position.
It’s interesting to think about the nature of investigation and to realize that investigation is something that you are designed to do alone.
We have investigation factories on the planet, huge investigation factories, think tanks and research labs and all of these kinds of things that have brought us the so-called wonders that we have; the homogenized process.
The investigator is a personal thing, it’s an individual thing. It’s not intended to be a group endeavor. It isn't.
You can see that when you go into the body and you can see very clearly that 4/1s and 5/1s, that their investigation is something that needs to take place behind closed doors. They’re different.
They’re not the kind of beings that go out in the world. Their investigation is much more internal process, an inner process of investigation.
And at the same time, they are very uncomfortable if their environment isn't secure.
When you begin to understand that the line is a generic, that there are all these differentiated possibilities that flow up from underneath, you can begin to look at these linings in a different way.
You can begin to look at them from the point of view of a director, rather than the actor, to stay with my metaphor.
The director in the sense of:
Well, how is my line to be played? What is it that is going to make my line played differently?
This is the knowledge that is there in those that have been trained to be PHS Practitioners and Rave Psychologists, to be able to guide individuals into this process deeper and deeper so that they, through the recognition of the mechanics, can begin to watch the process. It's not like you have to do anything in the classic sense.
Oh yes, there is a great deal involved in transformation [the 4 transformations; determination, environment, view, motivation].
Transformation in and of itself is a radical process and it's a radical process that demands that you move deeper and deeper and deeper into what is a deeply personally oriented process.
Here in this particular configuration, when you're dealing with an investigator, that one of the things that is clear is that the investigator is going to benefit from protection and security in their environment.
I know this as a 5/1 and 5/1s are notoriously careful and paranoid. This is one of their aspects.
What you have underneath is that you have ingrained in that the potential of the fear and the insecurity that is there in the 1st line body and in the need for secure and protected environment.
And at the same time you have the 5th line Personality looking at the world and saying, “what do they want?”
And you can see right away what happens that the moment this stays just the generic—so many 5/1s, I know a lot of 5/1s, it’s quite something to see how messed up they can actually be, how any of these configurations are the moment that you're dealing with human beings that are just simply not-self.”
Ra Uru Hu