Koen’s Ra Quote of the day
70% of humanity thinks about things that do not matter to them.
“It’s always interesting where you start things. If I think back to my early teachings of channels I always started with integration. But I had a different intent. So I'm starting at a different place. I guess it's the world of madness, the mind.
It’s so extraordinary for me to look at the potential of self-reflected consciousness and to have been privileged enough to be able to experience in my life the enormous gifts that mental ability can bring.
And yet, at the same time to look out at the world and see the way in which the awareness level of this plane operates.
It’s one of the most fascinating things about the program and the way we’re conditioned.
There are two pressure centers in the BodyGraph.
Other than the early reference you get when you're taking an ABC course, the fact is that these pressure centers are not given enough attention nor enough respect for the influence they have on the life.
They are what drive us, the Head Center above and the Root Center below.
What is so fascinating about the Head Center itself is that 70% of humanity—that's an enormous number of human beings, it’s around 6 billion human beings—70% of humanity has an open Head Center, undefined Head Center. Of course, the not-self strategy of the undefined Head Center is thinking about things that do not matter.
It's not so much that a thing, in and of itself, could not be of value; it’s simply that it does not matter to you. And 70% of humanity thinks about things that do not matter to them. That creates an enormous pressure. It is one of the great conditioning forces on the way in which humanity conceptualizes.
It's also something to grasp that the influence of people who have definition between the Head Center and the Ajna Center are by far the most influential conditioning forces on the planet as beings.
Think about that because it's quite something.
After all, if 70% of humanity have an undefined Head Center, those 30% who carry Head Center to Ajna definition have an enormous impact on the society as a whole.
What that says is that the way in which the 70% think about things is being conditioned by the 30%.”