Koen’s Ra Quote of the day -
“Why do you think that I tell everybody who has an undefined Ego, never ever make a promise?
Never ever, ever make a promise; ever.
[Do] You know how much pressure is necessary to be willful even if you have a big fat Ego connected to the Throat? It’s incredible.
And if you don’t have that defined Ego and if you’re operating out of an inconsistent field, it’s going to blow your heart apart.
Because that’s what it does.
Heart disease is one of the most common afflictions on the planet. It’s a common affliction.
And it’s the common affliction of the undefined Egos that make promises …
… and it’s the common affliction of Ego beings who do not respect their Type; do not know it.
[For example] The Generator that has a defined Ego can only be willful as a response. It can’t be willful in any other way. It cannot say, “I promise I will love you.” It can only be willful in response. “Will I see you tomorrow?” “Uh huh.” Then that will is natural.
But if it opens his mouth first and says, “I promise I’ll see you tomorrow.” Forget it.
That will power may never be there; never be there.
So you have an awful lot of people who are walking around on the planet who have defined Egos, and those people are walking around and they are just time bombs ready to explode, always making promises, always applying their will power.
And as a result of that, putting enormous pressure on their heart system and they are popping all the time.
[Do] You know how much money is spent in America on heart care?
It’s unbelievable. It can feed Africa for a millennium. It’s unbelievable.
You’re dealing with something that is absolutely essential to our way of life.
That’s why Will power has been exalted both in the domain of the public interest and in all of our religious and spiritual institutions.
We have ‘free will’ as a result; we are necessarily, ’could be damned’. ’It’s up to us’. ’If we mess up we’re going to pay the price’. This whole free will pitch.
Enslavement of the psyche, one of the most destructive concepts in the world.
A concept that I would like to destroy; it’s pointless...
Free will is something that’s a mechanic of the Maia and it’s limited only to those who possess it as such; that’s all.
But you know how much impact defined Egos have on making the rest of those people who don’t have defined Egos sick?
They usually do it by trying to help them with the very best intentions.
You have the undefined Ego friend and you’re an Ego person and you say to them, “You can really quit smoking. I know that you can really quit. You can really do it. You have the will power.”
And as long as they’re in that person’s aura they are pumped up like hell.
And they put enormous pressure on their heart. “I will do that. I will quit. I will stop.” And they go out the door and they go onto the street and they stop at the first tobacco store and they buy some cigarettes and they feel guilty for the rest of their lives.
And it goes on day by day, all the time.
Ego people empowering undefined Ego people to be willful, and not doing it on purpose, not doing it intentionally, just doing it as a by-product of what they are, and in the ignorance of what they are, not recognizing the damage that they do.
What’s it like for an undefined Ego child to have a defined Ego parent?
Wow, is that ever a trip.
You have to be twice as willful. You have to be twice as good at keeping your promises.
You’re held to a much higher standard. Start off life with a damaged heart.
Bizarre, no?...
Just as there is nothing more beautiful than a clean Solar Plex system.
There is nothing more impressive that a clean Ego. It’s a beautiful thing to behold.
After all, Will power is put up as a standard because it is quite something.
This energy, this capacity to be able to do precisely what one says one is going to do, and to have the power to live that out.
It’s one of those aspects of human nature that we are impressed with.“
~Ra Uru Hu